Welcome and Namaste

A year long project recording my thoughts, feelings and intuitive knowings or occurrences as they appear each day. This is my personal project for connecting with the cycles within and the cycles around me.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

November 4 ~ Manifesting Melbourne

Awoke to drizzle and mugginess, although as the day progressed it was quite difficult to know what was actually happening outside in the natural world.  A day spent in air-conditioned trains, planes and automobiles has made me feel quite disconnected and tired.  It’s amazing to see the pallor in the faces of the people around me.  Sunshine is such a vital part of our makeup.  We were meant to be amongst the trees and the natural environment.  Instead, we have developed an avid desire to be secluded and holed up within our own four walls.  Has technology really led us to believe that the connection we achieve through our technological devices will somehow eclipse our genetic makeup?  We need to stand in the sun, feel the breeze on our face, hear the song of the earth through our feet, our blood and our skin.

Our counterparts in the Northern Hemisphere are entering the season where many develop a disorder called SAD ~ Seasonal Affective Disorder.  Isn’t it interesting that our scientists have needed to come up with a fancy name to describe our need for sunshine?

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