Welcome and Namaste

A year long project recording my thoughts, feelings and intuitive knowings or occurrences as they appear each day. This is my personal project for connecting with the cycles within and the cycles around me.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

November 3

Muggy and hot.  Australian weather in its ‘normal’ state.  I thought it might rain.  The ants were active enough and the kookaburra laughed but the clouds on the D’Aguilar Range were not dense enough to signify anything.  Time to water the garden and my vegie patch.  The lettuce, silverbeet, peanuts have all done very well in sprouting.  The beetroot, sweet potato and carrots are not fairing as well.  The tomatoes are almost ready to harvest as are the gooseberries.
Visiting a friend, who only lives 15 minutes away, I was taken aback by the vibrancy and colour of the bougainvillea within their garden.  I am also pleased to notice that the clover is thick and lush within our own yard.  My father, a beekeeper, was always excited when the clover grew as it meant a good crop of honey for the season.  To see the bees working this clover is just magical.  Firstly, it means that someone has hives within a kilometre radius of our house. Secondly, it means that our predominantly organic approach to gardening is paying off!

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