Welcome and Namaste

A year long project recording my thoughts, feelings and intuitive knowings or occurrences as they appear each day. This is my personal project for connecting with the cycles within and the cycles around me.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

November 26 & 27 - Responsibilities

Responsibilities. GAH! I feel that there are times when the word 'responsibilities' should be classified as a four letter word.  I needed the arms of an octopus and the brain of a multi-tasking computer on the weekend.

The word itself has connotations of duty, lack of choice and work. It is not a pretty word. Each day, when I review my daily list of things to complete, I will sometimes daydream that my list of responsibilities is not as vast as they seem. You hear about those people who just up and go, leaving their job, their family and friends behind.  I'll admit to a little bit of envy at times. Especially when my day seems to be jampacked and I wonder when my responsibility to myself will become the first priority?

The silly season of December is almost upon us - the list of responsibilities seems to be growing longer and longer every day. My lesson pointed out to me, over the weekend, has been one of boundary setting. Re-learning when it is appropriate to say yes and when it is appropriate to say no. Each way I turned, I felt that my personal boundary was being tested. A family to feed,  a garden to tend, a concert to organise, projects to complete and a project to begin. Of course this summary doesn't include domestic duties and to take time for myself.

Chanting the mantra of  'time is my friend', I called upon the goddess cerridwen for the knowledge and wisdom to flow with time instead of fighting against it. Now I'm not going to tell you that I achieved everything on my copious lists at the end of each day!  What I did achieve was that I was able to sit back and congratulate myself on the work that was completed; the progress made.

Our entertainment area is now decorated for the upcoming Christmas parties of the season - with my sneakily placed Litha decorations that appease my desire to follow the seasons of the wheel of Time , while also acknowledging my family heritage of celebrating Christmas. My husband tells me that the decorations are a re-enactment of a Seasonal Minefield - just waiting to take out someone's eye. I say: that it is to check to see whether you are being observant! *Giggling*  Can I help it if I like to hang things at eye level?  That way you can see the colour, the glitz and festive cheer (and dodge it appropriately).

The drapes have been made for our upcoming concert and I even managed to get in some drumming practice on weekend. A happy camper, am I!

Due to the heat, my poor garden didn't receive the attention that it needed nor the attention that it deserved. There's always another day! Each night, I was able to sit, put my feet up and watch television with my husband; just relaxing in the company of a loved one.

As I write the weekends blog, it is actually Monday morning and my list of responsibilities is just as long if not longer. Looking over the list and prioritising it, the first thing to do today ( after completing this) is to spend some time on me.  Some meditation time sounds a perfect way to start the day - the rest will flow as the day progresses. It is important to remember that if we are not operating at 100% how can we give 110% to our responsibilities and others?  So definitely some meditation time required.

Garden note: on a quick tour of the Gardens on Saturday, I noticed that our agapanthus plants are finally blossoming! That's only two weeks behind the rest of the plants that I have seen - they obviously have their own agenda!

I wonder if a meditation on the Octopus would be suitable? :)


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