Today's lesson was perseverance. Big time. What do I need to preserve so that I may persevere?
I swear that every time I turned around, there was an obstacle in my path. Most of these were created by me - bah! At least. I'll admit to that.
It all started with my choice to meditate before going into my day. I sat, turned my thoughts inwards and asked my body to speak to me as I wanted to learn its ways and signs. Not the brightest idea I've ever had -I felt every nuance of muscle movement within my body. The walls of my stomach moving and my intestinal peristalsis! TMI! lol My body was excited about having this meet and greet session as it had a lot to say! I'm glad it was a quiet day to as my body made some pretty strange noises and I did too! Does anyone know how effectively gagged yourself?
The awareness had me so drained that I needed a Goddess nap in the afternoon. I pleaded with my body to be quiet so that I could have a productive afternoon. Thank goodness it listened! Finally, I could persevere through this physicality of myself and proceed with what I wished to achieve this day.
One project finished on the radio program to prepare for tomorrow. Achieved! Yay! Then my sainted postie rang the doorbell. Living in the sticks, our postie makes the effort to hand deliver important packages so we don't have to drive to town to collect them. Now that's service!
There was my postie beaming at me. You have a parcel, she said. Oh goody! It was like an early Christmas. I ripped into the box and discovered within treasure. For treasure it was! A beautiful friend of mine had been spirit led by the Goddess Brigid to create something for me.
How I cried as I cradled this majestic piece to my heart. As soon as I saw it, I knew what it was: a sacred feminine dreamcatcher. Its purpose was to allow me to see within the Goddess Realm and connect me even further to the sacred feminine. To my wonderful 'crazy' friend: I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have no idea how much this means to me. It now sits pride of place in my outdoors sacred area i.e. my entertainment area.
This was something to preserve so to help me persevere. I include a photo of this creation for your benefit.
Wow Caithe... It's beautiful :)