Welcome and Namaste

A year long project recording my thoughts, feelings and intuitive knowings or occurrences as they appear each day. This is my personal project for connecting with the cycles within and the cycles around me.

Monday, 14 November 2011

November 14 ~ Renewal

Back to being Caithe from Celticai Studio today. Luckily, I love it!  I've made some adjustments to my daily routine after my week away.  I'm a routine kind of gal.  I've started using the 5 Tibetan Rites and a ten minute meditation to start the day, greeting the four directions and then flowing out to the entertainment area to sit, write and dream of all that is possible this day.  With a mug of coffee (I have one a day), I sat and listened this morning.

If anyone thinks that I live in rural bliss they are mistaken.  Our home sits next to a major highway and also alongside the entrance to the rural housing estate of 200 acreage lots.  Due to the roads and the increase in human population, we do try to make our little piece of paradise as animal friendly as possible.

My daily routines are accompanied by cars, trucks, buses and emergency vehicles making their way through their day.  Most of the time, I can block that noise and just focus on the sounds of birds and animals within the local area.  If an emergency vehicle goes by, I always pause to send love and light to all concerned.  That's almost a daily occurrence!

As I sat writing, a magpie-lark or peewee flew down to walk into the entertainment area.  He walked right up to my chair, looked me in the eye, trilled his song and flew away. WOW!  That was beautiful.  I've endeavoured to find out more about the peewee seeing that I've been visited here and in Melbourne. However there is little information about these birds~ spiritually, I mean.   They are not magpies apparently but related to the currawong.  I need to sit with their information a little more.

As I wrote out the preceding paragraphs, a tiny spider descended from the ceiling and hovered above my journal.  Spiders are wonderful earth magic symbols.  Look them up!  Spider always reminds me of Charlotte from the children's novel, Charlotte's Web.  Her gift to Wilbur the Pig is in empowering him.  Thank you, Little One, for the reminder.

It was an inside kind of day, with domestic duties, clients to see and our monthly Reflections program on Reflect Radio to be broadcast.  Sometimes, when I sit with the energy of Lee-Anne and Shelli as we do readings, I wonder "what am I doing here? These women are amazing with their depth of insight."  Then, I will receive a message that is similar to what Shelli or Lee-Anne receives and that is beautiful confirmation.

In the spirit of Spring, I've revamped our weekly menus to include more seasonal vegetables and fruits and have removed a lot of the sugar products from our pantry.  I have to keep some as my husband is diabetic.  If he goes into a diabetic low, a few lollies always help him retain balance.  They are just so darned attractive to my sugar cravings though! lol

I went on a bit of a card-drawing binge too.. pulling a card from nearly every deck that I own.  The result?  EVERY card stated that I was moving into a new expansion of my heart chakra; to release old energies to make way for the new; to get ready because big things were about to occur.  I'm excited!  This is just the energy shift that I wanted by starting this cycles project.


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