Welcome and Namaste

A year long project recording my thoughts, feelings and intuitive knowings or occurrences as they appear each day. This is my personal project for connecting with the cycles within and the cycles around me.

Monday, 21 November 2011

November 20 and 21 - Adventure

These two days have been full of excitement and adventure. On both days, I travelled into the capital city of my home state. Nowadays, this is quite a rare occurrence. It brings back memories of when I was a little girl travelling on the train to the high excitement of visit to Brisbane. Well, I may not be a little girl any more of the excitement levels were still there.

On the first day, Sunday, my family and I travelled to South Bank which is located on the Brisbane River. It contains a man-made beach for all to enjoy.  Although we didn't avail ourselves of this beautiful beach location, my family and I enjoyed sitting alongside the river - eating, drinking, laughing and chatting.

Now the main part of today's adventure, or is it actually trying to find South bank! To start with, we disembarked on the wrong station. This meant that we had to walk the 20 to 30 minutes through the inner-city. The only guide that we had was that we could see the river and we hoped we were walking in the right direction. Luckily for us, our inner navigational devices were working very well this day.

This same type of situation occurred on Monday when I went back into Brisbane to receive a medal from Queensland Rail for winning the CEO medal of first aid.  My husband took me to his new building where his office is located. When I decided to go trekking through in a Brisbane, the position of his office really through might in a navigational device out of whack!

I walked and walked and walked some more. This made me think about how so many of us feel lost on a daily basis. We don't know where we are, who we are, or why we are here. Being lost on both days in the physical world, my family and I could have chosen to become upset or angry at being lost. We could have just hopped back on the train and headed back home.  Of course we did neither. We chose to approach this as an adventure using all the tools and resources that we had available. Most of all, we had fun!

When we are lost within ourselves, it is important to look out for signs and markers that point us on our way.  it is also important to ask the help and direction; even more importantly, to seek help from those who are able to help.

We are only two days away from the new moon. As the moon wanes, traditionally this is a time of completing projects ready for the new moon's blessing on all that is new. Personally, I have found the last seven days or so to be more about planning and prioritising ready for the hectic month of December. Even so, I will use the new moon is an opportunity to review my manifestation list, my affirmations and to consider well my priorities.

How are you today? Do you feel lost or are you choosing to see life as an adventure?

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