Welcome and Namaste

A year long project recording my thoughts, feelings and intuitive knowings or occurrences as they appear each day. This is my personal project for connecting with the cycles within and the cycles around me.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

November 12 and 13 ~ Home again, Home again, Jiggety Jig

Saturday was difficult to say the least.  I did not want to leave Melbourne as I had enjoyed the solititude of communion with Spirit during the Soul Activation Series.  Travelling ten hours by plane, trains and automobiles was not something to encourage communion. Or so I thought.

From the cocoon of love and communion, I was thrust into the maelstrom of human activity.  People were everywhere!  I could feel the cacophony of hurried emotions beating up against my own energy.  The old feelings of agoraphobia and anxiety welled up within me. This wouldn't do. I wasn't that person anymore.  I sat with my shadow side endeavouring to discover why this was happening.  It hit me ~ to feel love is to be love, to feel peace is to be peace.  O-kay.

So there I sat outside Melbourne's Tullarmarine Airport, cigarette in hand.  I breathed love into every cell of my body ~ through the smog, the noise and the rush around me.  Love swelled and expanded.  I visualised the love flowing out from each cell to everyone and everything.  My head lifted, my posture changed and I smiled at everyone.  There were quite a few started looks!

This connection and expansion carried me through the day until I arrived home. Here, 20 people from The Clan ~ Pipes on Fire, were gathered to rehearse for our upcoming concert.  Barely had I walked in the door before I became Caithe the Hostess and Caithe the Performer.  Those feelings of loving expansion receded in the noise of bagpipes, drums, coffee cups and dinner plates but they did not diminish.  I was home ~ it was lovely (and noisy!).

On Sunday, the Queensland heat announced the move into Summer with a vengence.  I know this heat well ~ muggy sunshine filling up the air with the promise of summer storms yet making it difficult to breathe.  I consciously had to take deeper breaths.

With the morning filled feeding 8 band members and more band rehearsals, there was little time to make my land connection that I craved.  The day flowed into connecting with my best friend and my precious god-daughter.  We sat in her fairy garden observing the changes that had been made while I was away from home.  Before I left, my friend (a talented Nail Techician) re-did my acrylic nails into black with iridescent green flecks.  This was to remind me of my heart chakra connection.

I came home, unpacked, washed, connected with family by telephone and announced that I was going into the garden.  Even if the sun set, I was determined to get out into the garden and connect.  My shoes were off and my feet connected with the grass. Oh bliss, bliss, bliss!  My feet had swollen over the weekend making them uncomfortable and bloated.  The coolness of dusk and the ground connection soothed them immeasurably.

My husband joined me to water our plants with our preciously horded rain water.  We discussed our time apart, the changes in our garden and our plans for the future.  Connection with land and with my partner ~ Magic!

I noted that the spring onions had flowered and were ready to seed.  The secretive clivia had finally blossomed underneath the crotons.  Three pineapple plants show signs of beginning to fruit while the silver beet, purple dwarf beans and peanuts are growing strongly. It will be a bumper crop this year.

As I weeded the garden, I felt the land coursing through my fingertips. My husband and I ate the sun-warmed, vine-ripened tomatoes ~ giving thanks to our garden for its productivity and fruits of our labour.  As we finished in the garden and the stars began to appear in the sky, a flock of Mickey birds flew into the paper bark tree above us, noisily making their roost for the night.  Mickey birds are also called Happy Families.

Oh I knew my family was. I am home.

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