Welcome and Namaste

A year long project recording my thoughts, feelings and intuitive knowings or occurrences as they appear each day. This is my personal project for connecting with the cycles within and the cycles around me.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

December 6 - Energy release

With the emotional upheavals of the past few days, today was a lovely 'pitstop' before continuing with the energetic release building up for the Full Moon on the 11th.  I love those days when everything seems to flow seamlessly, smoothly and productively.  If only I could bottle that! (Shelli?  Can we make an essence for that? *laughing*)

The healing work completed today always helps me as well.  I know other lightworkers report the same feelings - when working on another, the healing energy flows through us as well as the recipient.  It's a bonus of offering healing service to others.  I like bonuses ;)

Having been out in the rain the other day or mayhap because of the cold change that has come through, I have a cold.  Sniffly, snuffly, sinuses playing up. Bleh.  It's also a sign that my digestive system needs some assistance (all colds and flu originate in our guts, interesting eh?) ~ so it is time to double up on my aloe vera juice and flora fibre tablets.  I feel I may take some more anti-flu homeopathic drops too.

So we have productivity on one side and feeling 'great' combined with physical symptoms of 'bleh' and energetic release.  Go the human body!  It's intricacies and capabilities continually amaze me.  A great symbol of the duality of the Gemini Full Moon too!  If you missed the meditation today on Reflect Radio, the Gemini Full Moon Meditation is available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKHep7wJft8

We have beautiful rain building today, promising that tomorrow should bring steady showers to drench the yard, the gardens and best of all, fill our water tanks. Thank you Goddess Mari!  You know it is going to rain when the spiders come in from outside into the sanctuary of our house.  Not just small ones either ~ great, big, hairy spiders that jump all over the place.  Ah! The Bliss of living in Australia ;)

Until tomorrow ~ may your energy be balanced and your gumboots free of spiders!


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