Welcome and Namaste

A year long project recording my thoughts, feelings and intuitive knowings or occurrences as they appear each day. This is my personal project for connecting with the cycles within and the cycles around me.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

December 17 & 18 - Social Butterfly

I'm often told that I am a 'people person' ~ a great listener and empathetic character.  I thank each of the people when ever I am complimented in such a way.  The truth (or at least my version of it) is something quite different.  Although I love laughter and connection, I am often quite content to be separate and alone.  I like my own company as long as I am active while enjoying it!  *laughing*

This weekend was a test of my social skills and also my own personal protection boundaries.  My best friend  and I braved the Christmas Crowds to complete our shopping on Saturday.  What should have taken 3 hours, ending up being a marathon 8 hour shopping adventure.  We scaled the heights of craziness as we battled the weary, the hopeless, the crazed and the ignorant who were endeavouring to reach the holy grail ~ i.e. The Perfect Item at the Perfect Price.

When one is an anal shopping list maker, like myself, one is always prepared.  I knew which shops had which items at what prices.  I even had mind-mapped my trail through the shopping centre.  My bestie had a different approach: throwing herself into the melee, ducking and weaving until she stands aloft the crowds waving her purchase victoriously.  We were a  hoot!  Well, we thought so!

Then onto a concert Satuday night ~ Killer Queen (a tribute band to Queen with Freddie Mercury), breakfast out on the Sunday morning and dinner out Sunday evening.  They were all quite similar experiences to Saturday's shopping!

"It's ALL about ME!" should be tattooed on people's foreheads! Or at least on t-shirts.  The pushing, shoving and general lack of consideration from those out to 'enjoy' their social activities makes it quite hard for people like myself to enjoy their time out.  I visualised so many layers of protection around myself and my family it is a wonder that we could actually move!  In the end, I sent love and light out in waves of white light (with fairy sparkles) and blasted a thousand watt smile to whomever I met.  (I've spoken about how disconcerting that is! :)

I'm sure the Spirit of the Season was in there somewhere amidst all that 'buffo' (this is a phrase coined by a colleague of mine many years ago.  She noted that when I was riled and ready to stand my ground, I would puff up, throw my shoulders back and get this scary look in my eye! *laughing*).  I think I saw it in the checkout operator who smiled and laughed; the grandmother who rocked her grandson asleep in the middle of the foodcourt; the look in my mum's face when we presented her with an orchid in bloom; the boy who gave us his shopping trolley because we couldn't carry our bags; the  Indian waiter who kept giving me Mango Lassi as I was the designated driver.  It was those little moments of care and consideration that made the weekend priceless.

I noted that our Mock Orange bush is about to burst into flower and fruit. It is a special reminder to me about family connection.  My mother wore mock orange on her wedding dress.  My parents were together over 50 years. Their relationship is one that I hold up as a pattern for partnership in my own marriage.  Whenever I look on this plant and smell its fragrance in my garden, it reminds me of the bonds of love that should be woven throughout a family.

Traditionally, the Mock Orange Bush is seen a representing deceit in the language of flowers.  Pfft. I don't like that! lol  Within the Essence range, Mock Orange represents releasing of emotions and repatterning new ones.  Seeing that I started with Shelli Speaks' Physical Alignment program on Friday and the season of Litha's need to release old emotions, I think that the Mock Orange blossoming over the weekend is VERY apt.  I found this affirmation to use and hope that it may help you too!

I AM rhythmic repatterning from old habits to new healthy emotions.


You can connect with me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CaitheCameron

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