Welcome and Namaste

A year long project recording my thoughts, feelings and intuitive knowings or occurrences as they appear each day. This is my personal project for connecting with the cycles within and the cycles around me.

Monday, 5 December 2011

5 December - Forgiveness

After the huge emotional releases of last week, I knew that this week would have magical things in store.  It was a very interesting day yesterday!  Of course, it was a "Monday" when my working week begins ~ the normal routines were in place: making lunches for the menfolk, some domestic goddess chores within my Studio and preparation for the clients either coming virtually or in person for healing sessions during the day.

While I sat at my reading table for a mini-meditation, I felt drawn to pull a crystal card.  Dioptase fell to the table before I even shuffled.  Oh ho! This one is for me.  Dioptase is one of those crystals that I look at while saying: "I don't know what you do in my studio but you sure are pretty!"  There is a large chunk of it sitting near my water urn because of the affinity it has with the water element.  Reading the card, I was very interested to see that the main properties of this stone are linked to forgiveness.  Forgiveness?  Really?  I admit to spending quite a few moments wondering just who it was that require forgiveness on my part.  In the end, I shrugged, knowing that Spirit would choose to divulge the knowledge when required.

The day was hectic as new grids opened up in communication with the Spirit World ~ I felt like an old style telephonist, madly plugging the cords in the switchboard so that communication could flow smoothly.  Healing sessions, palmistry readings, colour therapy and preparation for my monthly Full Moon Broadcast continued with the assistance of my Guides.  At the end of the day, one of my regular Studio clients climbed up on the table for their holistic healing session.  Normally, I am very present although my 'mind' and 'voice' are in connection with their higher selves and guides. Not today. No siree.  As soon as I made connection, my client and I were off and travelling due to the request made by her Spirit Guide.

 I now know what Scrooge felt like!  She was being shown how to release the child inside ~ I thought I was just along to help her come back so I 'sat back' to enjoy the trip.  Nuh-uh!  We were taken to Ye Olde English where a gingerbread house was covered in snow, with candles and decorations in abundance.  Outside the house was a magnificent Christmas Tree covered in decorations and candles.  My client was asked to soak in her feeling of awe, I was taken aside by my Guide Ceara ~ Why do you continually beat yourself up for 'not doing this' or 'not being that'? Why do you make excuses when instead you should be celebrating your gifts, your life and your characteristics?

I admit it - I was flabbergasted (I love that word!).  Hey I thought I did?  Let's strip of that mask and show the inner Caithe.  I saw myself as the pure light of spirit - my soul.... and I apologised sincerely, fervently, unabashedly... and asked forgiveness of my both my soul and my mortal body for not recognising that about myself when I am so willing to acknowledge that in others.  Thank you Spirit, thank you.

An interesting day to say the least!  We had beautiful rain during the night as well so my time in the garden was not required although I note that the weeds are almost as high as my knee now.  I hope my garden forgives me!


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