Welcome and Namaste

A year long project recording my thoughts, feelings and intuitive knowings or occurrences as they appear each day. This is my personal project for connecting with the cycles within and the cycles around me.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

December 14 - Bravado

A bit of a strange title for that covers the spectrum of the last few days since my last blog.  Our little house on the prairie (okay, it actually used to be a tobacco farm!) has suffered with the weather recently.  We had a massive storm front come through on the weekend that decimated part of the roof in our entertainment area.  The hail stones were jagged and large.  They were flung about by the cyclonic winds left, right and centre. This led to copious amounts of water staying in the said area.  At one stage, I thought we were going to end up with an indoor wading pool but thankfully, Goddess Hera and Artemis helped me out with holding the waters at bay.

Of course, this led to my getting sick.  Bah.  The doctor asked me whether I had been swimming to earn the middle ear infections that plagued me.  I replied: No, but does intensive wading in ice cold water count?  Apparently it doesn't, but I beg to differ!

The storms also created havoc with the computers within the house.  Between my husband and I, we have three computers.  Now we have one.  That interesting cycle has caused some spirited discussion about whose turn it happens to be at the keyboard.  *laughing*  At least I get the day time!

The wind, rain and hail caused quite a bit of damage in the garden.  Oh, to see my poor plants struggling under the force of nature that whipped through our yard.  I've been endeavouring to trim back, re-arrange or just remove as necessary.  I may need to hire some sort of backyard blitz team!

During some moments of relative inactivity, I was browsing through a spiritual magazine and came across an article by Sol Luckman.  His writings resonated very powerfully with me and the topic of 'bravado'.  My own guides have been reminding me that 2012 is not an ending but a beginning ~ something to be faced with excitement, awe and joy.   However, Sol writes about the mass consciousness and the impact made by the media.  He used the term: Fear Porn.  I loved that!  Mass-produced media targeted at working at our  most basic emotions: Fear.  We tune in to this energy and forget that it just  perception, not reality.  I've deliberately been stepping away from the television and even reading matter that may spark fear or anger within me.  Not an easy thing to do when you live in a house with grown men!

Instead, I've been watching films and reading books that make me laugh.  Even when I've been in pain, feeling down or when the energy levels haven't felt like that they are in a 'joy' alignment, I've put on a film that makes me giggle.  Think of the infectious nature of a child's laughter!  As I write this, I am sitting out in my garden in the early rays of the morning light, I am positive that beneath the sounds of the commuter traffic, I can hear the tinkling laughter of the Cameron Garden Fae.

For that reminder and that energy, I am truly grateful as it helps me face my day with bravado!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for writing this even though you feel a little keffuffled..and thankyou for the reminder as to why i dont watch ANYTHING but 'Funny' ...Healing hugs and a giggle or two
