Yesterday, someone commented that my garden must be lovely. I totally agree. I love the gardens around my home ~ they are full of surprises, enchantment and rest. Now, before anyone believes that I have a green thumb and the Goddess Energy of Aeracura running through my veins, I need to disabuse you of some notions.
I love gardening and gardens. Running my fingers into soil that has been made rich due to composting, mulching and the activity of worms beneath the soil. I love watching plants grow and bloom as they cycle through their own intrinsic knowings.
I even enjoy getting out into the yard ~ getting hot and sweaty ~ as I wheelbarrow loads of dirt, mulch or whatever around. Sometimes, I even enjoy weeding even when the little blighters cover me in their hair-like bristles.
What I do not enjoy are the wee beasties that inhabit the garden. I KNOW that they are needed and that they are an important part of the garden cycle. But they are yickie. Big time yickie. They have legs and hairy bits that crawl over me. Blech. My husband enjoys watching me do 'the beastie dance' (which is very similar to his Whipper Snipper Dance). You may know this dance too! A beastie decides to make my body their home. I feel them crawling on me. At that point, I launch into the air, dancing like a drunken leprechaun and screaming like a Banshee ~ GET IT OFF ME!
The whole point of that little bit of sharing was yesterday's Domestic Goddess duties. They extended into the garden in the late hours of the day. My front garden looked like something a tiger would hide in. I can deal with tigers - they are just big kitties. As I pulled the weeds and cleared the debris, I hummed and meditated until I cam across the spider nest. Yup. Mamma Spider had a nest full of hundreds of baby spiders. I know this because I found them and they crawled all over me. I did the best Beastie Dance that I have ever done. One of the neighbours applauded at my frantic antics across the front lawn. Nice.
Unfortunately, not many of the Spider babies lived. Once calm and 'myself' again, I apologised to the Spirit of the Land, to Mama Spider and to any of her spiderlings that were traumatised by being abused by a large Celtic Woman. I sat in the twilight and wondered what it all meant - there had been huge energy transferences yesterday. So what did this mean? My interpretation was that I was resisting the webs of connection that were bringing me closer to my goals. C'mon Caithe ~ it's time to be even more in tune.
Hmmm.. maybe so... but I still don't like the beasties!
im on the verge of doing the 'beastie dance' just reading this! lol oh poor caithe
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