Welcome and Namaste

A year long project recording my thoughts, feelings and intuitive knowings or occurrences as they appear each day. This is my personal project for connecting with the cycles within and the cycles around me.

Friday, 30 December 2011

December 30 & 31 - Happy Hogmanay

Trying to find out the meaning of the word “Hogmanay” (hog-min-ay) can cause you to run around in circles and falling down in heap on the floor (much like drinking too much whisky on Hogmanay night!).

Some say that it comes from the Anglo-Saxon Haleg Monath (Holy Month), or the Gaelic Oge maidne (New Morning). Others believe that it comes from the Celtic Hogunnus (new year), or the Flemish-Dutch hoog min dag (great love day). There is also the Old French word Aguillanneuf - referring to both the last day of the year and the gift traditionally given on that day.  

Christmas was never very popular as a celebration in Scotland.  Why?  It was believed to be too ‘catholic’ so many Scots waited till their beloved Hogmanay to really live it up!

Whatever the original meaning and purpose, lost in the days of old, the meaning of Hogmanay has always been a celebration of a New Year.  It is interesting that Hogmanay is celebrated as a more modern calendar/solar version when New Year on the Wheel of Life is Samhain!

Anyhoo.. let’s look at a few of the old traditions to welcome in the New Year!

Historical Celebrations
·         an old Scottish traditions was for children to run from door to door on New Year's Eve asking for presents and shouting, Hogmanay!  The small gifts received were also called Hogmanays.
·         amongst the Scottish regiments, the officers had to wait on the men at special dinners while at the bells, the Old Year is piped out of barrack gates. The sentry then challenges the new escort outside the gates: 'Who goes there?' The answer is 'The New Year, all's well.'
·         New Year’s Day, women would race to the local well to be the first to ‘get the creaming of the well’.  The first water drawn was said to guarantee marriage within the next year!
·         cleaning the house on 31st December (including taking out the ashes from the fire in the days when coal fires were common).
·         clear all your debts before "the bells" at midnight.
·         welcome friends and strangers, with warm hospitality and of course a kiss to wish everyone a Guid New Year
·         dressing up in the hides of cattle and running around the village being hit by sticks.
·         lighting of bonfires, rolling blazing tar barrels down the hill and tossing torches.
·         Wrapping animal hide around sticks and ignited; the smoke was believed to ward off evil spirits. The smoking stick was also known as a Hogmanay.
·         Singing Auld Lang Syne

An old custom that is still prevalent is one called "First footing" (that is, the "first foot" in the house after midnight). To ensure good luck for the house, the first foot should be male, dark (believed to be a throwback to the Viking days when blond strangers arriving on your doorstep meant trouble) and should bring symbolic coal, shortbread, salt, black bun and whisky. These days, however, whisky and perhaps shortbread are the only items still prevalent (and available).  Families used to hire out their dark-haired relatives for the purposes of First Footing!!!

Here in the Celticai Household, I’ll be spending today cleaning our house, changing bed sheets, emptying ‘old’ food from our cupboards and making sure that there are no unpaid bills lying around!  My husband will be clearing gutters and debris from the garden (also great for the Australian Storm Season Preparation).  We’ll talk about and write down our vision for the upcoming 12 months. 

Later in the evening, I’ll light some sage and invite the Angels into our home.  Then we’ll gather with family and friends to welcome in 2012.  Of course, in Australia, this is normally a BBQ and a swim in the pool.  As we get a wee bit older, we tend to watch the Edinburgh Tattoo while enjoying a dram or two of single malt whisky.

May yer blessings oot number the thistles that grow and may troubles avoid ye wherever ye go!

Energetic Forecast for 2012
This 12 month energetic forecast provides you with individualised information on what to expect over the upcoming 12 months. The following information will be sent to your inbox through PDF format as a referral for the rest of the year:
* crystal energy for the month
* chakra focus for the month
* personalised message from Source

Only $40. Order today as this special only lasts until the end of January! Purchases may be completed through my website : www.celticai.com.au

Manifest 2012 - January 4th
Whether you are artistic, journalistic or just fantastic, come together on this day on Reflect Radio to Manifest your 2012. We'll start with a short visualisation exercise and then create manifestation mandalas for the upcoming year.

Click on the following link to find the broadcast time in YOUR time zone: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/reflectradio/2012/01/04/celticai-studio-manifest-2012

To bring: A sense of humour and connection! Oh, you can also bring craft items, paper, cardboard, magazines and pictures of items that you wish to manifest in you life ;)

Thursday, 29 December 2011

29 December - Okay! Okay! I get it!

I've been asking my Guides to explain why the sudden influx of spiders in and around my being.  I asked for some confirmation yesterday as I wandered outside imbibing on some Vitamin D (aka sunshine).  I turned the corner of my house and there, in front of me was a beautiful display of White Spider Lilies. Honestly, I cannot say whether they are in season or not.. but there they were.. so beautiful, pristine and upright.  I've included a photo below.  I took that as confirmation that Spider is my Guide at the moment.

So what does Spider do for us?  I went to one of my favourite Shamanic Websites: www.shamanicjourney.com to discover the following information:

Spiders gifts include - creativity and weavers of fate, balance between past and future, physical and spirit, male and female. Spider is strength and gentleness combined, they awaken creative sensibilities, they are the keepers of the primordial alphabet and can teach you how to write creatively. Their bodies are shaped like the number 8 and they have 8 legs, symbolising infinite possibilities of creation. The 8 legs represent the 4 winds of change and the 4 directions of the medicine wheel. If the spider has caught you in its web, then look with-in and with-out to see the web you are weaving in your life. Are you content? Are things going well in your life? If things are good,Good! Think about the attitude/choices that have gotten you where you are today, creating positive situation and continue! If however you are on a low with negative happenings in your life and want to improve the situation, think about how your attitude/choices have played a role in creating your current situation. As the weaver of your web, you are the creator of your reality. Once responsibility is assumed for this, the situation will begin to improve. Having the power to weave your own web, means you have the power to make a positive and happy life. Practise having a positive attitude until it is second nature. Make wise, good choices to aid the manifestation of the life you desire. 

Surprise! Surprise!  *laughing*  With so much self-thought going with the reading of the work of Esther and Jerry Hicks and Abraham as well as Access Consciousness + the Manifestation of 2012... no wonder Spider is weaving madly in my presence.

To that, I simply say: Thank you.

Spirit walks within my Natural Year -
Your presence helps my thinking clear
To guide, support, enable and flow
All that I am  to expand and grow

Unclutter my senses - all six and more
to fully open 2012's manifestation door
Thank you my friends - who journey beside me
Walking hand in hand through life's glory

I look forward to a year of simply: More
Where our lives continue to blossom and soar
In tune, in love, in joy and ease
Filled with fun and continued opportunities.


See you in the New Year!

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

December 28 - Tis the season to be....

Well, our household survived the Christmas Season.. just.  Amongst the frivolity and mayhem, our family shared with one another in more ways than one.  My hubby and I ended up with a terrible bout of the dreaded yerks and perks - all I can say is I am SO grateful our house has two toilets!

Before the virus took a hold of our digestive systems, we had decided to spend a day in the garden together. This was to clear out the weeds, spread some mulch and generally 'prettify' the front entrance.  I believe we achieved great things although I haven't been outside to view what is happening in the great outdoors for over 48 hours.

My hubby carried large bales of mulch into the garden and it was my job to spread them around.  This division of labour is to ensure that plants are kept and weeds are gone.  My hubby does tend to see anything smaller than 1 metre in height as a weed.  Due to the upcoming illness, my body was weak and I needed many breaks from the physical nature of the work we were doing.

During one of my breaks, I sat next to my Beltane tree, drinking water and enjoyed the view of our garden and house.  I looked over to the area where I had done the Beastie Dance before Christmas. I couldn't believe my eyes.  The whole area was covered in spiders and spider webs!!  Not the little ones.. but BIG ones! Golden Orb Spiders were everywhere.  I counted 12 of these beautiful spiders and their golden webs.  Either it was another message from spirit about connections or these little beasties were making statement about my having destroyed some of their spiderlings! Eek!

We'll all be pleased to know that I survived attending Christmas Eve Church service as well ~ not one bolt of lightning in evidence.  I actually enjoy most church services - you can feel the spirit of worship rise up and the Great Spirit wrap us all in a loving embrace. I particularly enjoyed the enactment of the Birth of Jesus by the Children's Church.  The Star was carried by 8 children all dressed in angelic robes with the boys carrying swords.  What? Swords?  Of course!  The boys were ARCH-angels complete with swords and their tiara-halos on upside-down (like Batman, I was told!). So precious!

I hope the Christmas Season was full of fun and fantasy for you as well!

Golden Orb Spider


Note to self - before making any more promises about purging the old from our life, I'm going to be very precise.  I didn't mean physical purging of my body!

Friday, 23 December 2011

23 December - Absent-mindedness

I am about ready to ask for my mind back.. but I'm unsure of whom I should ask!  Mayhap it is on lay-by at one of the major department stores.  If that is the case, then I have probably forgotten to make payments on it and it will be returned to stock....

I noticed within myself today that my mind was fuzzy and blurry ~ details, memories, tasks.. they all flew out the window.  My habit of writing things into my diary saved the day.  It's not to mean that the day was unpleasant - far from it!  I spent a delightful morning at a local eatery with two spiritual friends.  We dined, talked and whiled away a few peaceful hours in the gardens of this place.  If you are ever in my neck of the woods, drop in to Storeybrook Cottage ~ it is divine!

On the weather front, Goddess Mari has outdone herself. Over two days, we've received 250mm of rain. Ummmm... we now have overflowing tanks! *laughing*

With this absentmindedness, my 'tuning' for healings and readings has been heightened because 'thought' is not present.  Unfortunately, I need my thought back.. lol... So, now there are post-it notes everywhere: Take your vitamins, EAT!, drink water!, have you done your yoga today?  *grinning*

My favourite post it note simply says: Joy

Now.. where was I?  Oh, that's right, the yellowpages.. to find a mind-finder ;)  However, I'm not too befuddled to wish you and yours a Festive Holiday Season full of love, hope, peace and joy.


Thursday, 22 December 2011

December 22 - Spiders

Yesterday, someone commented that my garden must be lovely.  I totally agree. I love the gardens around my home ~ they are full of surprises, enchantment and rest.  Now, before anyone believes that I have a green thumb and the Goddess Energy of Aeracura running through my veins, I need to disabuse you of some notions.

I love gardening and gardens.  Running my fingers into soil that has been made rich due to composting, mulching and the activity of worms beneath the soil.  I love watching plants grow and bloom as they cycle through their own intrinsic knowings.

I even enjoy getting out into the yard ~ getting hot and sweaty ~ as I wheelbarrow loads of dirt, mulch or whatever around. Sometimes, I even enjoy weeding even when the little blighters cover me in their hair-like bristles.

What I do not enjoy are the wee beasties that inhabit the garden. I KNOW that they are needed and that they are an important part of the garden cycle.  But they are yickie. Big time yickie.  They have legs and hairy bits that crawl over me. Blech.  My husband enjoys watching me do 'the beastie dance' (which is very similar to his Whipper Snipper Dance).  You may know this dance too!  A beastie decides to make my body their home. I feel them crawling on me. At that point, I launch into the air, dancing like a drunken leprechaun and screaming like a Banshee ~ GET IT OFF ME!

The whole point of that little bit of sharing was yesterday's Domestic Goddess duties.  They extended into the garden in the late hours of the day.  My front garden looked like something a tiger would hide in.  I can deal with tigers - they are just big kitties.  As I pulled the weeds and cleared the debris, I hummed and meditated until I cam across the spider nest.  Yup. Mamma Spider had a nest full of hundreds of baby spiders.  I know this because I found them and they crawled all over me.  I did the best Beastie Dance that I have ever done.  One of the neighbours applauded at my frantic antics across the front lawn.  Nice.

Unfortunately, not many of the Spider babies lived.  Once calm and 'myself' again, I apologised to the Spirit of the Land, to Mama Spider and to any of her spiderlings that were traumatised by being abused by a large Celtic Woman.  I sat in the twilight and wondered what it all meant - there had been huge energy transferences yesterday. So what did this mean?  My interpretation was that I was resisting the webs of connection that were bringing me closer to my goals.  C'mon Caithe ~ it's time to be even more in tune.

Hmmm.. maybe so... but I still don't like the beasties!


Wednesday, 21 December 2011

December 21 - Summer Solstice

Yay! It's the Solstice - a time to thank your Supreme Being of Choice for the last 6 weeks as well as the last six months.  It is also a time to set forth your manifestations for the next 6 weeks/ 6 months.

As the day progressed, I looked for signs that told me 'things were progressing as planned'.  I had clients to see, friends to chat with, a family to spend time with and repairs were completed within our home ~ I couldn't ask for much better than that!

I finished my Solstice decorations ~ setting up a space in our entertainment area that included red, yellow and blue candles, my Divine Feminine Dream Catcher, and the 'Christmas Tree'... my plan is to keep adding to it as we approach Christmas and Hogmanay (New years).  It looks beautiful even if I do say so myself! lol  Fairy lights were strung up in the garden. They are focused around the Blessing Tree from Beltane.

After an amazing Solstice Dinner  last night (seasoned rissoles with a warm spinach, silverbeet and feta salad), my husband and I went outside with a glass of wine.  We just sat within the cool of the night, contemplating the pretty lights and talking about our plans.  Perfect!

Not sure how to contemplate or make a plan?  You may like to reflect on your 'bodies' ~ physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Or maybe, you would like to reflect on your 7 main energy chakras.  You can also use headings such as : Myself, Family, Work, Prosperity and Community.  Choose whatever works for you ~ I simply said to the Universe with a heartfelt sigh: Thank you!  I live my life with joy, ease, fun and glory!

A side note: The Rum and Tobacco have disappeared ;)

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

December 20 - Fairy Rings

The highs and lows of the previous days settled in to a nice 'buzz' on this sun-shiny day.  The weather even attempted to be 'Decemberish' (which reminded me why I really dislike heat and love my air-conditioner).

Seeing that Goddess Mari had decided to take a nap from drenching the area and the Sun-God Lugh had precendence over the land, I stepped forth into my garden for a little bit of pre-Christmas maintenance.  There is nothing quite as satisfying as weeding.  You are outside in nature, you are helping nature to thrive and it is a perfect chance for a little bit of quiet time alone in your own thoughts.  Magic!

Speaking of magic, I was led to weed in the area of my yard that I refer to as the Rose Garden.  This is outside our bedroom window so that I can look out over the garden at my whim - tea roses, agapanthus, crucifix orchids and of course, my self-constructed fairy ring.  This is a collection of 8 stones representing the directions.  A perfect little place to sit under the pom-pom tree and watch the world slide by (or roar by depending on whether it is 'peak hour' traffic).

On the way to Rose Garden, I talked quite firmly to the hundreds of spiders that had decided that our clothesline was the perfect place for their webs.  I reminded them that I would be washing tomorrow and that they had 24 hours to clear out, or I would clear out their webs for them.  I wonder if they listened?

I turned the corner, and couldn't believe my eyes.  There in the Rose Garden, surrounding the fairy ring were 5 HUGE toadstools!  Thankfully not the colourful yet stinky sort; just your normal everyday toadstool - up-sized!

Seeing that I had gone to air on Reflect Radio this day about the upcoming Solstice, the toadstools were a reminder that the Fey were rampant in my garden! Woot!  Magic.  The toadstools can stay in their spot, they will serve as excellent umbrellas for the rum and tobacco that I will leave out tomorrow.


Monday, 19 December 2011

December 19 - Pretzels

AS I tuned in for the day's energy alignment, I felt every cell in my body yell : "Get OUTSIDE!"

Aww.. really?  But it's cold! ( I know, December in Australia is never cold!)... I'm in my pjs! (even though they are snazzy!)... I haven't had my breakfast! .. You know the litany of thoughts that parade through your mind in an attempt to avoid and/or procrastinate.

Okay.. okay.. I'm going (mumbling to self and wondering why on earth I decided to be 'in tune' with my body)...

Once I had dragged my sorry self outside, I decided it was a great opportunity to complete the Tibetan Rites (yoga positions to enhance healing, alignment and well-being).  These rites are often a part of my daily routine but I will admit that since December rolled in, these rites rolled out!

Now, picture the scene: a middle-aged woman with bed hair; dressed in her snazzy purple pjs; standing in her backyard while contorting her body into pretzel like positions.  I should have taped it!  It would be viral in no time on YouTube!

There are five positions, each requiring a maximum of 21 repetitions.  Seeing that I can only count to 5, that is always my goal.  I listened to my bones creak, the muscles scream and the strange sounds of "OMG" emanating from my solar plexus and throat regions.  Ahhh.. exercise!  Gotta love it!

I continued to contort in the bid for overall flexibility as every cell shouted: Hallelujah!  We're outside!  We're exercising! This is great.  I think my body is a sadist.  Yet, I had to agree. It was great to be outside and exercising.  Funny how it takes us months to attain fitness and only a couple of weeks to slide back to 'pretzeldom'.

The whole time that I was outside, I was under observation of a bird that reminded me of a Spangled Drongo (yes, there is bird called that!).  It's cheeky eye was trained on me the whole time; laughing on the inside!  Then, it gave a strident call that almost knocked me flat on my yoga mat as I was completing the Dog Position.  Now that certainly would have been worth a video!

It's the solstice soon.. time to decorate...


Sunday, 18 December 2011

December 17 & 18 - Social Butterfly

I'm often told that I am a 'people person' ~ a great listener and empathetic character.  I thank each of the people when ever I am complimented in such a way.  The truth (or at least my version of it) is something quite different.  Although I love laughter and connection, I am often quite content to be separate and alone.  I like my own company as long as I am active while enjoying it!  *laughing*

This weekend was a test of my social skills and also my own personal protection boundaries.  My best friend  and I braved the Christmas Crowds to complete our shopping on Saturday.  What should have taken 3 hours, ending up being a marathon 8 hour shopping adventure.  We scaled the heights of craziness as we battled the weary, the hopeless, the crazed and the ignorant who were endeavouring to reach the holy grail ~ i.e. The Perfect Item at the Perfect Price.

When one is an anal shopping list maker, like myself, one is always prepared.  I knew which shops had which items at what prices.  I even had mind-mapped my trail through the shopping centre.  My bestie had a different approach: throwing herself into the melee, ducking and weaving until she stands aloft the crowds waving her purchase victoriously.  We were a  hoot!  Well, we thought so!

Then onto a concert Satuday night ~ Killer Queen (a tribute band to Queen with Freddie Mercury), breakfast out on the Sunday morning and dinner out Sunday evening.  They were all quite similar experiences to Saturday's shopping!

"It's ALL about ME!" should be tattooed on people's foreheads! Or at least on t-shirts.  The pushing, shoving and general lack of consideration from those out to 'enjoy' their social activities makes it quite hard for people like myself to enjoy their time out.  I visualised so many layers of protection around myself and my family it is a wonder that we could actually move!  In the end, I sent love and light out in waves of white light (with fairy sparkles) and blasted a thousand watt smile to whomever I met.  (I've spoken about how disconcerting that is! :)

I'm sure the Spirit of the Season was in there somewhere amidst all that 'buffo' (this is a phrase coined by a colleague of mine many years ago.  She noted that when I was riled and ready to stand my ground, I would puff up, throw my shoulders back and get this scary look in my eye! *laughing*).  I think I saw it in the checkout operator who smiled and laughed; the grandmother who rocked her grandson asleep in the middle of the foodcourt; the look in my mum's face when we presented her with an orchid in bloom; the boy who gave us his shopping trolley because we couldn't carry our bags; the  Indian waiter who kept giving me Mango Lassi as I was the designated driver.  It was those little moments of care and consideration that made the weekend priceless.

I noted that our Mock Orange bush is about to burst into flower and fruit. It is a special reminder to me about family connection.  My mother wore mock orange on her wedding dress.  My parents were together over 50 years. Their relationship is one that I hold up as a pattern for partnership in my own marriage.  Whenever I look on this plant and smell its fragrance in my garden, it reminds me of the bonds of love that should be woven throughout a family.

Traditionally, the Mock Orange Bush is seen a representing deceit in the language of flowers.  Pfft. I don't like that! lol  Within the Essence range, Mock Orange represents releasing of emotions and repatterning new ones.  Seeing that I started with Shelli Speaks' Physical Alignment program on Friday and the season of Litha's need to release old emotions, I think that the Mock Orange blossoming over the weekend is VERY apt.  I found this affirmation to use and hope that it may help you too!

I AM rhythmic repatterning from old habits to new healthy emotions.


You can connect with me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CaitheCameron

Thursday, 15 December 2011

December 15 - Down but not Out

Before I begin writing about December 15, I wanted to share a giggle with you .  I had set myself up to write this blog within my Studio when I realised I just couldn't.  Nothing was flowing.  What?  Come on.. I can dribble words at any time!  Then it hit me.  Every blog entry had been typed into the blog while sitting in my entertainment area.  So, I collected my laptop and my water and headed outside to type...  *giggles* Habits are such an interesting thing to notice about people.

This sitting in my entertainment area means that I am connected.  My feet are grounded through the earth; I can feel the breeze on my skin; the sounds of the wildlife and traffic greet my ears; I can indulge in my nicotine habits.... peace.. relaxation... sighs of relief.  I love this space within our property!

Okay.. December 15.  Wow. Mercury in Retrogade hit me the hardest yesterday.  I was wondering whether it may be worthwhile to leave the earthly plane and join some bizarre Cryogenic Cult.  Although, on second thoughts, I don't particularly like cold weather all the time. Hmm.. Lucky I thought of that!  I was ready to throw in the towel and abstain from human contact all together.  An emotional rollercoaster was zooming through my adrenal system ~ the highs and lows of the day were making me sea-sick!

This wasn't a 'great' day... where had my optimism disappeared to?  I even retrieved Aristotle from his Velvet Cave and asked him whether someone had stolen it.  Maybe it was the Christmas Grinch?  A firm no was received.  The finger was pointed directly at myself: self-talk.  Ptoohey!  Okay, time to be my own best friend and kick myself through this.

What to do with a best friend who is in a low?  First, I ate some chocolate while telling myself that I was loved, loving and lovable.  Then I took some N-R-G Herbalife tablets to help my adrenal system rearrange itself appropriately.  I found uplifting videos on YouTube to recentre my heart chakra (and to have a good cry!  Have you SEEN the one with Deb Webber helping a homeless woman?  Highly Recommend).  After that hour, I felt pretty darn good!  Then, the Universe did her THING.  Emails, messages and texts just seemed to pour into my field of vision - uplifting messages from friends, clients and even strangers.

That was wonderful confirmation ~ thank you for confirming what I was telling myself.  I even went outside and had a wee chat with the Goddess Mari.  Our Tanks are full now.. the garden lush... ummm.. thanks for all the rain.. you can hold off for awhile if you like.  Hmmm.... I don't think she is listening.

Maybe Mari needs some chocolate.. I think I may leave that out for her tonight!


Wednesday, 14 December 2011

December 14 - Bravado

A bit of a strange title for that covers the spectrum of the last few days since my last blog.  Our little house on the prairie (okay, it actually used to be a tobacco farm!) has suffered with the weather recently.  We had a massive storm front come through on the weekend that decimated part of the roof in our entertainment area.  The hail stones were jagged and large.  They were flung about by the cyclonic winds left, right and centre. This led to copious amounts of water staying in the said area.  At one stage, I thought we were going to end up with an indoor wading pool but thankfully, Goddess Hera and Artemis helped me out with holding the waters at bay.

Of course, this led to my getting sick.  Bah.  The doctor asked me whether I had been swimming to earn the middle ear infections that plagued me.  I replied: No, but does intensive wading in ice cold water count?  Apparently it doesn't, but I beg to differ!

The storms also created havoc with the computers within the house.  Between my husband and I, we have three computers.  Now we have one.  That interesting cycle has caused some spirited discussion about whose turn it happens to be at the keyboard.  *laughing*  At least I get the day time!

The wind, rain and hail caused quite a bit of damage in the garden.  Oh, to see my poor plants struggling under the force of nature that whipped through our yard.  I've been endeavouring to trim back, re-arrange or just remove as necessary.  I may need to hire some sort of backyard blitz team!

During some moments of relative inactivity, I was browsing through a spiritual magazine and came across an article by Sol Luckman.  His writings resonated very powerfully with me and the topic of 'bravado'.  My own guides have been reminding me that 2012 is not an ending but a beginning ~ something to be faced with excitement, awe and joy.   However, Sol writes about the mass consciousness and the impact made by the media.  He used the term: Fear Porn.  I loved that!  Mass-produced media targeted at working at our  most basic emotions: Fear.  We tune in to this energy and forget that it just  perception, not reality.  I've deliberately been stepping away from the television and even reading matter that may spark fear or anger within me.  Not an easy thing to do when you live in a house with grown men!

Instead, I've been watching films and reading books that make me laugh.  Even when I've been in pain, feeling down or when the energy levels haven't felt like that they are in a 'joy' alignment, I've put on a film that makes me giggle.  Think of the infectious nature of a child's laughter!  As I write this, I am sitting out in my garden in the early rays of the morning light, I am positive that beneath the sounds of the commuter traffic, I can hear the tinkling laughter of the Cameron Garden Fae.

For that reminder and that energy, I am truly grateful as it helps me face my day with bravado!


Thursday, 8 December 2011

December 8 - Pink Waterfalls

Apart from spending 5 hours, cross-eyed, keeping my financials up to date while continually affirming ~ Time is my friend, Money is my friend, I CAN count past 5; today was a day of obligation.

That word will sound quite harsh in the context of my day although I really couldn't find another word to express what I am trying to say.  You see, I had to attend a funeral yesterday of someone I didn't know.  The gentleman was very prominent and instrumental in my husband's life as  a First Aider.  My husband attended in honour of this man's skill and integrity within community service.  Hubby asked me to attend ast I had won the CEO medal for First Aid this year.  I felt a little like a 'trophy' wife!

I spent the hour before the service surrounding myself with white light and picturing myself under a rose quartz waterfall. Why?  Funerals are not good places for empaths.  I thought I was doing quite well during the service (which went for TWO hours) until the wife and family of this gentle-man (hypen deliberate) arrived in the church.  OMG.  I was literally swamped with emotion ~ the grief, love and even anger was present.  As the service continued, I even began to feel the frustration of many of those present at the length of the service. Thank the Goddess that I had tucked a few crystals in my bodice and that I had hubby to hold on to for grounding.  I admit it - I cried like a baby during the service.  The emotions surrounding me welled up and had to find physical expression.  There were also strong links to my own feelings of my father passing and the fact that this service was almost a year after my brother-in-law had passed on.  Thank you spirit for the catharsis.

On a 'funny' note, I kept wondering when the lightning was going to strike.  There I was, sitting in a fundamentalist church, having communion.  Surely, now was the time for the 'heathen' to feel the wrath of God?  Heh. I didn't.  Although the priest kept giving me 'funny' looks as I lifted my voice in song and prayer ~  C'mon people, it's not a dirge.  How about some joy in worship? I know, I know - how can someone be joyful at a funeral?  Well, the gentle-man in question was joyous ~ I could see him sitting next to his wife and family.  There was so much love between them all.  He had been a worshiper at this church and he was singing with full gusto.  That's what I like to see.

On the way home, I spoke to my husband about our respective requests.  Here is my summary: a) The 'service' is not to go for more than half an hour; b) I'd like sparklers there - 100s of them - to signify that I tried to burn as bright as I could; c) only play the crazy songs that I sing around the house like So What, I'm a Rockstar! or the Muppet Song (na nana na, doo doo doodedoo). If we have to have a hymn, make sure the bagpipers play  The Clan's "Amazing DisGrace" (calypso style); d) last, but by no means least, remind everyone that my spirit is free so to get on their party hats and celebrate life!  General inebriation and party-ness to ensue.  Not much to ask really :)  Oh, and everyone has to wear purple! *cheeky grin*

A strange blog to reflect a strange day: one where there were many obligations to be filled, emotions to feel but at the end of the day, a sense of having done what I needed to be done.


Wednesday, 7 December 2011

December 7 - talking jeans

This body of mine has been responding to the changes recently in weird and bizarre ways.  Today, the weather was cold - the coldest December day since recorded time apparently!  So, in honour of the weather I dug out a pair of jeans to wear - a pair of old favourites.  Meh! They didn't fit right. They scratched; the seams dug into me; the pockets sat funny.  Double Meh!

Apart from the scratchy jeans, many things weren't 'sitting right' for me. Okay, self, let's do a check:  Still have my body organs and limbs? Check!  Happy Husband and family? Check! Home in some sort of semblance of cleanliness? Check! Business flowing well? Check!  Where WAS this sense of disquiet coming from?  Why did I feel as if everything was being squeezed into a pair of jeans too tight?  Why was I continually singing Dr Hook's "Baby makes her blue jeans Talk"? *laughing*

I sat with this energy most of the day ~ even creating a new Facebook Page for my business. It still all felt wrong somehow.  As I sat in front of the television (why do men really like Simpsons???), mending clothes with rips, missing buttons and what not, I had one of my AHA moments (not the 80s band, although I always did think Morten was a cutie)... instead of stressing about right/wrong direction, right/wrong prices for my services, I would ask my pendulum, Aristotle, to show me the way.  I like having a plan - even if the plan is: We don't have a plan! *laughing*  I felt so much better after making that decision.

I've sat down with pen and paper and written out a huge list of questions and directions.  Now to find the time to go over them.  Dowsing isn't quite something that one should do 'in a flash' ~ it takes grounding, time and energy.  This list is too important for me to complete too quickly.

I'm actually glad that I listed to my jeans 'talking to me' ~ it's time to throw out the old, and bring some new into my life!

I may not be blogging for the next few days as there is a funeral to attend, a relative going into hospital and a reading/healing fair to work at... however, know that I will be observing and listening to Spirit.. what message is there for us today?


Tuesday, 6 December 2011

December 6 - Energy release

With the emotional upheavals of the past few days, today was a lovely 'pitstop' before continuing with the energetic release building up for the Full Moon on the 11th.  I love those days when everything seems to flow seamlessly, smoothly and productively.  If only I could bottle that! (Shelli?  Can we make an essence for that? *laughing*)

The healing work completed today always helps me as well.  I know other lightworkers report the same feelings - when working on another, the healing energy flows through us as well as the recipient.  It's a bonus of offering healing service to others.  I like bonuses ;)

Having been out in the rain the other day or mayhap because of the cold change that has come through, I have a cold.  Sniffly, snuffly, sinuses playing up. Bleh.  It's also a sign that my digestive system needs some assistance (all colds and flu originate in our guts, interesting eh?) ~ so it is time to double up on my aloe vera juice and flora fibre tablets.  I feel I may take some more anti-flu homeopathic drops too.

So we have productivity on one side and feeling 'great' combined with physical symptoms of 'bleh' and energetic release.  Go the human body!  It's intricacies and capabilities continually amaze me.  A great symbol of the duality of the Gemini Full Moon too!  If you missed the meditation today on Reflect Radio, the Gemini Full Moon Meditation is available here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKHep7wJft8

We have beautiful rain building today, promising that tomorrow should bring steady showers to drench the yard, the gardens and best of all, fill our water tanks. Thank you Goddess Mari!  You know it is going to rain when the spiders come in from outside into the sanctuary of our house.  Not just small ones either ~ great, big, hairy spiders that jump all over the place.  Ah! The Bliss of living in Australia ;)

Until tomorrow ~ may your energy be balanced and your gumboots free of spiders!


Monday, 5 December 2011

5 December - Forgiveness

After the huge emotional releases of last week, I knew that this week would have magical things in store.  It was a very interesting day yesterday!  Of course, it was a "Monday" when my working week begins ~ the normal routines were in place: making lunches for the menfolk, some domestic goddess chores within my Studio and preparation for the clients either coming virtually or in person for healing sessions during the day.

While I sat at my reading table for a mini-meditation, I felt drawn to pull a crystal card.  Dioptase fell to the table before I even shuffled.  Oh ho! This one is for me.  Dioptase is one of those crystals that I look at while saying: "I don't know what you do in my studio but you sure are pretty!"  There is a large chunk of it sitting near my water urn because of the affinity it has with the water element.  Reading the card, I was very interested to see that the main properties of this stone are linked to forgiveness.  Forgiveness?  Really?  I admit to spending quite a few moments wondering just who it was that require forgiveness on my part.  In the end, I shrugged, knowing that Spirit would choose to divulge the knowledge when required.

The day was hectic as new grids opened up in communication with the Spirit World ~ I felt like an old style telephonist, madly plugging the cords in the switchboard so that communication could flow smoothly.  Healing sessions, palmistry readings, colour therapy and preparation for my monthly Full Moon Broadcast continued with the assistance of my Guides.  At the end of the day, one of my regular Studio clients climbed up on the table for their holistic healing session.  Normally, I am very present although my 'mind' and 'voice' are in connection with their higher selves and guides. Not today. No siree.  As soon as I made connection, my client and I were off and travelling due to the request made by her Spirit Guide.

 I now know what Scrooge felt like!  She was being shown how to release the child inside ~ I thought I was just along to help her come back so I 'sat back' to enjoy the trip.  Nuh-uh!  We were taken to Ye Olde English where a gingerbread house was covered in snow, with candles and decorations in abundance.  Outside the house was a magnificent Christmas Tree covered in decorations and candles.  My client was asked to soak in her feeling of awe, I was taken aside by my Guide Ceara ~ Why do you continually beat yourself up for 'not doing this' or 'not being that'? Why do you make excuses when instead you should be celebrating your gifts, your life and your characteristics?

I admit it - I was flabbergasted (I love that word!).  Hey I thought I did?  Let's strip of that mask and show the inner Caithe.  I saw myself as the pure light of spirit - my soul.... and I apologised sincerely, fervently, unabashedly... and asked forgiveness of my both my soul and my mortal body for not recognising that about myself when I am so willing to acknowledge that in others.  Thank you Spirit, thank you.

An interesting day to say the least!  We had beautiful rain during the night as well so my time in the garden was not required although I note that the weeds are almost as high as my knee now.  I hope my garden forgives me!


Sunday, 4 December 2011

December 2-4 - the masks we wear

The last three days have been exhausting and liberating in so many ways.  I perform in a Fusion Pipe Band - that means that bagpipers and drummers get together and play tunes in unexpected ways.  We held our first concert on Saturday to a small but enthusiastic crowd.

As the Event Manager, PR Person, Bass Drummer and Resident Nutter, I had my hands full with roles and responsibilities.  Stress levels varied with fluctuating roiling nerves - it wasn't pretty! *laughing*  But as a I sat in the afternoon of Sunday, basking in the warmth of success albeit for just a few moments, a few 'home truths' hit home for me.

First was the 'mask' ~ not the Jim Carrey version, although on second thoughts, it is rather an apt metaphor/simile.  When we perform, whether it be on stage or in our lives, we all adopt masks.  I had to perform two new variety acts on short notice on the weekend.  I practiced so hard to learn my new lines.  It reminded me of how we affirm our manifestations constantly.  Then, when it was time to step up to the microphone to perform, my knees were knocking and I was hoping that the audience appreciated my efforts. Yup, the mask showed the professional performer but inside, I was still insecure Caithe hoping that what she was doing was 'okay'.  When we manifest, we have to take those shaky first steps to put the manifestation in place and hope to the high heavens that the end result is 'pleasing'.

Second, people see you for your actions.  In my performance, I had to be 'drunk' (ps. it only takes one drink for me to start dancing on tables and singing Billy Ray Cyrus so I rarely indulge).  However, my mask of performance was so realistic that many thought I was an inebriated slosh-head.  *laughing*  So many audience members thought I really had imbibed.  Classic!   It was a reminder to me to be always self-aware of how I was presenting my self through my mask.

Thirdly, the emotional roller-coaster of this weekend was exhausting!!!  I shared on Facebook how I felt that I wasn't sure which emotion was going to surface at any time.  Thank the Goddess for FB ~ the sisterhood of soul-sisters came back quickly with support and affirmation that they felt the same way.  I pondered the 'why' of this for quite awhile.  Then it hit me.. I"m a pisces - a natural chameleon that takes on the characteristics of those around me.  My empathic abilities are quite strong and at times, quite difficult to reign in!  Add to that mix that over the weekend, I wore a 'mask' of performer.  Add to that: Gemini Full Moon coming up! My body was not sure which way to go - spiritual me, neurotic me, emotional me or Jim Carrey un-masked me! *laughing*

What a relief to know that it wasn't some sort of illegal roofie slipped into my water over the weekend.  Nope, this Goddess was just under the influence of her self-annointed masks combined with the moon waxing.... Goddess help us all! :)

In the midst of all that emoting and generally Jane Eyerish ponderings,  I noted that our Pom-Pom Tree is a mass of blooms.  The tree looks like a cheer-leading squad of Fairies have taken up residence amongst the branches.  A cool change has come through introducing cooler weather and the need to unearth my recently packed away blankets.

A new week is about to begin ~ with the Gemini Full Moon becoming stronger and stronger, my mantra this week needs to be:  I am stable and perfectly balanced ;)

Wishing you a balanced day too!


Thursday, 1 December 2011

December 1 - new beginnings

Welcome to the Gregorian Calendar's first day of Summer!  In honour of this day and to prepare my sacred space for upcoming Litha/Christmas, I cleaned the area thoroughly. Well, okay, thoroughly in my definition!  New table decorations came out, The Tree of Light shone merrily, orange candles came out of their storage and the dust of the recent dry days was washed from the floors.

All the cards I pulled were indicating 'new beginnings' yesterday ~ being washed with a rainbow of light.  I liked that imagery!  With upcoming events, I had another day jam-packed with activities to be completed.  Although I wasn't able to complete all of them, I was quite happy with what I did achieve.  

The Celtic Goddess, Mari, came through for us too!  It rained!  I was sitting at my computer finalising a few bits and pieces from my lists ~ feeling the humidity and the temperature rising when all of a sudden, I heard thunder!  Really?  Maybe it was a plane?  A truck rumbling on the road?  I dashed to the window and looked out over the mountains behind us.  Lo and Behold ~ beautiful rain clouds hovering on the range.  Yay! *happy dance*  I watched the rain move through the valley towards us.  The rain came!  I raced outside and stood in those first few moments to allow the rain to cleanse me and to feel the joy of the Celticai Spirit!

Then it stopped!  Five minutes of sprinkling rain was not going to satisfy the Spirit that dwells within our land.  Come on Mari!  You can do better than that!   After ten minutes or so, where I grumbled about emptying tanks and crops that need nourishing rain.  Mari came through with three hours of beautiful drenching rain.  Note to self: don't get too cocky with the Goddess energies!  We had some overflow through the entertainment area ~ not serious flooding, just the overflow from the pipes.  It was wonderful!

When the rain eased at dusk, I was able to go out to the garden and harvest the tomatoes ~ 24 in total!  Some home-made tomato sauce is in order, me thinks!  Just a note ~ whenever, I harvest from our garden, I always give a quick thanks to Gaia, the elementals that live within my yard, the Celticai Spirit of the land and of course, the plants themselves!  When I take our vegetable scraps outside to be buried in the yard, as I did the hole, I often say something like: From the fruits of the earth, we are grateful for your generous bounty.  Now, I return to you what is no longer needed so that it may nourish and strengthen you so that we may be nourished and strengthened in return.  Thank you.

Simple but effective.  If you are unable to bury your scraps, you can do the same thing when you put them in the bin.  It all returns to the land eventually.

I'm ready for new beginnings ~ are you?
