Welcome and Namaste

A year long project recording my thoughts, feelings and intuitive knowings or occurrences as they appear each day. This is my personal project for connecting with the cycles within and the cycles around me.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

March 21 ~ Equinox balancing

♥ Whether you think your dream is big or small
The magic lies in believing you can reach it all! ♥ 
~ by Caithe Cameron, 2012 ~

The Equinox is here with its balancing act.  This time of year is a call to each of us to reassess and 'juggle' our lives so that balance is restored.  With Ostara in the North and Mabon in the South, we are called to see to the health of our mind.

Sounds great on paper, doesn't it?  Some days, I feel my juggling skills flowing so smoothly and others, the balls drop to the ground causing a minor (or major) hissy fit. *grinning*  So what can I do to help this all flow more smoothly?

The first step is to acknowledge your body and how it is feeling.  Wow! That's really interesting, darling body that you are feeling this way. What would it take for you to pick those balls up and start juggling smoothly again?

Maybe its a nice warm bath or a spot of exercise.  Maybe it is a need for some private time in meditation or treating yourself to a massage.  Maybe it is going to safe space and screaming your frustrations out to the sky.

The magic lies within the feeling of lightness.  This is a need for awareness of how our body is feeling ~ if the energy within your body feels light, its right!  If it is feeling heavy and blah, then your body is in resistance to the movement, the action, the experience.

For today, spend time listening to your body and negotiating with it. How?  Like parenting, you need to be consistent with your follow-through.  "Darling Body, I know you do not want to go to work/do the shopping/ironing etc. However, this is a responsibility with both have.  Let's do our responsibility and then we'll do something fun!  Body, what would you like to do?  (and listen; what feels right and light to do after you have met your responsibilities?)  Make sure to follow through!  A body in tantrum mode is not a pretty sight ;)

I leave you today with a blessing for the Equinox:


Learn more about Caithe and Reflect Radio at www.celticai.com.au

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