Welcome and Namaste

A year long project recording my thoughts, feelings and intuitive knowings or occurrences as they appear each day. This is my personal project for connecting with the cycles within and the cycles around me.

Monday, 12 March 2012

March 13 - Party gatecrashers

Good morning Infinite Ones! It's a glorious Mabon day here in the south-east of Queensland.  I was so tempted by the sunrise this morning, I took my laptop outside so I could sit in this beautiful energy to write my blog this morning.

With birthdays, menopausal symptoms, lunar cycles, solar flares, planetary alignments and giving Reiki Attunements within the last month, my own energies have been all over the place. ARGH!  Meditation, Celticai Essence and sleep have been my lifeline to sanity.

The energy of the 10th was particularly interesting. This was the day of my birth and I welcomed 5 Angels in to visit me for 5 days (if anyone has received this blessing, they will know how powerful it can be!).

First, we were visited by a 1.5m long Green Tree Snake.  I was setting up the decorations for the party when I noted movement to my right.  Oh great!  I called out to the manly MOAHS (Master of all HE surveys) to come and remove the legless lizard that was sitting in MY armchair.  MOAHS lifted the cushion of the chair and both of us jumped back in surprise when curled up underneath the cushion was a pretty green tree snake.  She slithered off the chair and underneath the BBQ located nearby.  Oh great!  Guests would be arriving in a couple of hours and a snake would be around. Hmm.

I let MOAHS do the 'manly' thing of moving furniture, getting the broom and generally trying to force the snake to move its slithery self out into the yard.  Meanwhile, I quickly started to send Reiki energy to the snake and asked it politely to move away from the party zone.  She was quite indignant as she wanted to party! *laughing*  MOAHS went away to complete more manly tasks. On returning, we discovered that the snake had disappeared. I'm still not sure where she went!

Snake usually means a time of transformation that flows with the cycle of life ~ very fitting for a birthday!

On with the decorating, I moved over to my sacred space to rearrange my altar decorations. I went to move my lizard statue given to me by my mother only to find that it was REAL! ARGH!!!!! *laughing*  Sitting next to my statue was the biggest skink I've seen around our home!  Sitting very still and statue-like, giving me the eye!  

To me, Skink represents quickness, darting energy, being everywhere at once!  Also very fitting!

The party over, the cleaning began ~ as I commented on Reflect Radio, you could see where certain party members had been by the trail of coloured popcorn throughout the house! *giggling*  Tis Magic!  After tidying up and collapsing into our chairs to relax, I could hear a noise coming from our garage. Oh no! Please, not a possum!  MOAHS sprang into masculine action and went into the garage ready to battle the atrocity that had dared to enter the inner sanctum of the GARAGE (and incidentally the garage connects with my Healing Studio!).  I could see this brown/grey bird in the open rafters of this room... oh!!! A Shrike Thrush!  These are quite uncommon in these parts ~ their song is beautiful!  After MOAHS scared the little one half to death and my sending Reiki to help it realise that the doors were DOWNwards not UPwards, the Shrike eventually flew into the garden.

Shrikes mate for life and are known for their song.  As I sat with this visiting energy, I was reminded of the need to always sing my song (even when your knees are shaking).


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