I hope you all had a lovely weekend as I know the MOAHS and I certainly did! We harvested pumpkins from our garden, cleaned up parts of the house that were long overdue for some tender loving care, participated in band rehearsals and celebrated milestones with friends...
This led me to ponder a question I am asked frequently by clients: How do I reach my full potential?
Potential is a word that seems to conjure up images of something that is going to happen (i.e. in the future). It is something to strive towards.
Yet, as a spiritual person, I am aware that the potential of the future rests within my NOW. This very minute: the choices that I make, the emotions I feel, the actions I take.
Let's take for example, the seeds sown in my garden. Each seed holds a promise; potential; power within to be something amazing. Is it any less amazing as a seed than when it is a fully grown plant (hopefully bearing many fruits/vegetables)? I feel that no matter the stage of growth or whether you are an ascending guru, you have the ability to be living to your fullest potential right now.
The potential is actually the power within - we make a moment by moment choice to live to the fullest of our potential. This is conscious living. I get excited about the fact that right now, in this very moment, I have the choice to live to my fullest potential. (Sometimes, that is vegetating on the couch! *laughing*)
As we make these conscious choices to live to our fullest potential, the boundaries move accordingly ~ just like the seed! The seed makes the choice to grow. It takes in nutrients, drinks lots of water and bathes itself in sunshine. All these actions help the seed to display its power. It begins to grow and it realises that it needs MORE. Ahhh.. one of my favourite words!
So, my little seeds, I see the potential within you and hope that my actions in our garden will help you to realise the potential too!
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