Welcome and Namaste

A year long project recording my thoughts, feelings and intuitive knowings or occurrences as they appear each day. This is my personal project for connecting with the cycles within and the cycles around me.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

2 February - Green is everywhere!

I know its the season of Lammas (Lughnasadh or Lunasa) and it is the time of Harvest. With all the rain we have had recently (and more to come) the lawn seed I had spread has now growing in the strangest of places.  Most of these places were not the planned recipients of 'greening': some are in great places, others will need some careful observation to make sure that the grass does not invade areas I would prefer to be left alone.

Either way, it all brings home to me the concept of change within our lives. We yearn for change.. we desire the 'greener grass on the next hill'.. always seeking ways to get closer to our ideal.  I'm reminded today to be thankful for all that does grow and for all the unexpected blessings that pop their heads up within my life.

What I do know is that I have a Harvest to clean up this weekend. It doesn't take psychic ability to know what it is either... an unwanted manifestation from all this rain is the spreading crop of fungus and mildew that is rising within my home. GAH!

My shoes are covered with it.. our walls are growing it.  I did suggest to MOAHS (Hubby) that we donate our house to the CSIRO or some other Scientific Institute to harvest the penicillin and put it to good use.  I thought that may be an easier option than my having to scrub, wash and clean all surfaces.  Looks like my next few days are all ready well planned ~ I see scrubbing brushes, cloths, washing machines and lots of lemonade in my future. *sigh*

Looks like I had better call on the Goddess Hera to help me bring warmth and light into my home.... I wonder if she does windows?


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