Welcome and Namaste

A year long project recording my thoughts, feelings and intuitive knowings or occurrences as they appear each day. This is my personal project for connecting with the cycles within and the cycles around me.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

February 29 - Leaping with JOY

JOY - you can feel it well up within you and it just needs to find expression somehow.  I love that feeling!  Yesterday, I attended an Access Consciousness class up in the Sunshine Coast of Queensland.  At the moment, the name Sunshine Coast is a bit of a misnomer as every time I visit, there are rain clouds!  (Goddess Mari, is that you following me again??)

After the process of clearing and my bars were run, I had this feeling of joy running through me.  In those moments of pure joy, I felt alive, energised and aligned. It was magical.  I leaped (ps. I thought the verb was lept!) around the room like a crazy thing!  It was amazing!  Considering that I was in a lot of pain from the medical condition my body creates, this was truly amazing. *laughing*

Today, I wake up and that sense of joy is still with me - I am conscious of keeping it alive and flowing freely.  I've also asked the Universe for visibility - for my energy to be seen for what it is and for what I wish to create in my life.

Funnily, I posted this statement on one of my Facebook pages. Within minutes, I was attacked as being full of excrement. *giggles*  Nice.  Once upon a time, I would have retracted in horror, dismay and disgust that I could have that reaction.  Today, I energetically thanked that person for 'seeing' me - even though they didn't like my energy. That's okay!  I also banned them from my page.  I don't need negativity, thank you very much.

If you 'see' me and resonate with what I say, feel and do - thank YOU!

In honour of today, I'm asking my hubby to marry me. *giggles*  It's an old custom where women could have the freedom to walk up to their beau of choice and ask their hand in marriage.  My husband is my choice - one that I make every day because I 'see' him - all the parts that make him the person that he is in the moment.  It's a wonderful opportunity to renew, recreate and celebrate our relationship.  Magic!

I hope you have the opportunity to let the Joy flow through you today.


Sunday, 26 February 2012

February 27 - Time to Get Smart

Energy - it's all around us. It is the very essence of our being allowing us to vibrate.  I've been contemplating the meaning of that word: energy.  I feel I would like to share what thoughts I've been playing with in my mind

Energy just IS - it is neither good nor bad.  However, what we perceive is good/bad is due to the emotional vibration within ourselves!

I was thinking of this as my hubby and I were watching Get Smart - I was giggling and laughing so hard while my husband sat there watching the television.  I asked him if he thought it was funny - he thought it was amusing.

This made me think about how energy affects us all differently - it's neither right nor wrong.  We just need to understand our emotional responses.  Easier said then done at times.

As I've been thinking about and 'feeling' my own body's shifts within this New Moon, the rain has been pouring over the great south-east of Queensland.  Thankfully, we have had no flooding here at our own residence.  The vegie garden is flourishing even under 30cm of water. *laughing*

A friend who reads this blog (Hi Jenny!) tells me that I'm delusional.  She wants to know where I've been living seeing that I have complained that summer has not hit.  We have had the random day of heat and mugginess - definitely!  What I'm not seeing is the days of constant heat and humidity - where you lie in bed in a pool of your own sweat, just hoping that stray breeze may blow through the window; where the feeling of your clothing sticking to your body is unbearable and you wish you could be sleeping in a pool instead!

Ahh, the mysteries of geography!  Actually, we went to visit Jenny and her family yesterday. She lives near the sea.  As we drove along the roads I noticed that Jacaranda and Flame trees were in flower. WHAT???  They usually flower in November!!!!! *laughing*

Contemplating energy as 'just is' and viewing my response to it appears to be the challenge of the moment.  It's time to Get Body Smart - I'm up for it! Are you?


Thursday, 23 February 2012

February 23 - Which way do you flow?

Don't you adore having friends that you can bounce ideas off?  Yesterday, I spent some time with different friends from around the globe - either in person or via technology.  Each have a wealth of wisdom and experience behind them and their knowing.  Whether they know it or not, they helped me process a lot of information and healing.  To them, I say thank you.

With this amazing energy of the New Moon around us - Pisces is pulling us in two directions!  Trying to find truth and trying to find 'normality'.  *laughing* Normality?? Wow!  What a concept!  Do I really want to be in the confines and restrictions of what society deems to be 'normal'?

To this I say a resounding NO.

My energy is bringing up gratitude, celebration, renewal and release - how does it get any better than that?  Freedom to be the weird, wacky, zany and colourful person that I am.

I feel that there are quite a few of my circle of influence that find that 'wholeness' of me to be quite confronting.  It's my choice to acknowledge this is their karma, their choice.  Mine is to be all that I can be - to the best of my ability.

Which direction are you following today?

The storms have been raging here - with record rainfalls, lots of lightning and gusty winds.. Sounds just like the energy surrounding us all!


Wednesday, 22 February 2012

February 23 - Walking the Walk.

Today feels enormous in terms of healing energy - there's the New Moon in Pisces and an upcoming moon 'wobble' on the 28th.  For those of us who are energetic 'sensors', we will be feeling this energy quite intensely.  No wonder Spirit has been guiding me to complete workshops and to attend classes on Access Consciousness - it's a push in the healing direction for myself as well as for helping others with their own progression.  While I was being grateful for this energy and contemplating what this meant for myself, I received this vision:

"The Healing Journey can feel like walking across one of those rope bridges across a big canyon! You know you want to get to the other side but when you look down, your fear factor kicks in and you cling for dear life to the rope - not moving forward, not moving backward. Just stuck. Then all of a sudden, an angel appears to help you, guide you and set you forward with determination. Many spiritual tools are available to help you find your way forward - each created to resonate with different people. May you find your 'angel' today - be it person, crystal, essence, healing energy or a knowing deep within."

It was this huge light bulb in my mind going off like a frog in a sock!  I was shown all the 'angels' that have been in my life over the years - each coming into my energy because I created that opening by being open to healing. How magic is that?

These have been people and their giftings, crystals, essences, healing modalities that I have explored, family members, life experiences, crystals and 'real' angels, animals and spirit guides too.  When you sit and ponder this, it blows your mind!  Well, it blew my mind today! *giggles*

When we are stuck on that rope bridge of the vision, we forget that we are indeed Beings of Light.  If we just let go of the rope, we will not fall because our own lightness of being will carry us through.  All we need to do is  believe, trust and own our light.  Our 'angels' jump in when we are ready to receive!

Is that ALL? *laughing*  That's the amazing part of our healing journey.. it really is full of ease and joy, it is just BEING the question: What else is possible?


Monday, 20 February 2012

February 21 - The Yeast Beast

After writing yesterday's blog, I decided to indulge in a spot of cooking to honour the mid-point of Lammas (the season of bread-making!) but also to use up some eggs and bananas.

I was very excited to be in the kitchen and to be exploring this side of my domestic capacity.  I prefer to use gluten-free flour and began creating my own recipe for Banana Bread.  In hindsight, I can see this was my first error in judgement!

I happily put flour, eggs, water, milk, bananas and cinnamon together in a bowl.  As I prepared to put the mixture into my bread-maker, I remembered the yeast! Oh yes! Yeast!  I needed to put in yeast.  Hmm... how much though?  I decided one teaspoon of yeast should go in... and then another.  Excellent! The mixture smelt divine!

I filled the container for the bread-maker and set it to bake.  Off I went to continue my domestic bliss and create a couple of dozen banana muffins.

Something caught my awareness so I turned towards the breadmaker.  My banana bread had mutated into something from the 50s horror movie The Blob.  It oozed over the sides, pushed up the lid and was trying to take over the world (i.e. my kitchen)!

With a scream of horror, I chose my weapon of choice - a spoon and a mixing bowl. I attacked with fervour and valour - scooping up spoonfuls of the goo and placing it in the bowl.  It continued to grow and expand.  Turning off the machine, I decided to create a containment area for the goo by placing it into two separate bread tins.

I quickly placed them into the oven and turned up the heat - I was going to contain that beast with heat!  After an hour of pacing in front of the oven, the beeper went off. I opened the door : hey presto!  Banana Bread.

Let me just say that it was divine!  *giggles*  I contained the Yeast Beast! (next time, I'll use a recipe!)


Sunday, 19 February 2012

February 20 - Hats, chimineas and rainbows

What a wonderful weekend here in Sunny Queensland.  I hope yours was one to remember as well!  I flowed between some of my 'hats' this past two days -  teacher, healer, musician, mother, wife, beautician, friend, domestic goddess and 'me'.

Some of those hats can feel heavy at times; even a little off balance as if they are not sitting properly.  It takes focus to help them sit right! It's such a blessing to be surrounded by supportive, loving people who understand that our quirky humanity is what makes us so special.

Sunday's heat caused the temperatures to soar and a reminder that I needed to listen carefully to find the body's cues for needing more water.  I tackled the second bathroom in our home late Sunday afternoon - using this opportunity to not only clean the physical location but to also give myself a facial, a body wrap and a long soak in the shower.

The body wrap was simply aloe vera gel slathered all over and then wrapping myself up in a big towel as I worked.  Truly a sight to behold especially when I also had a vibrant green face mask on.  It was sheer bliss to be able to relax in a bubble bath filled with bath salts as a reward for a job well done.  I must say that the bathroom glistens! (Thanks to Norwex and a bit of elbow grease!)

My husband (MOAHS) also earned huge brownie points this weekend - not only did he cook lunch for the Workshop participants on Saturday, he also found a cast iron chiminea for our entertainment area.  We use a local Freecycle group to help recycle items and to save on land fill.  I now have a new project to restore this rusty chiminea into something beautiful.

As I sat outside this morning, contemplating the world, the number 42 (the answer to everything!) and the day ahead, I could hear 5 different bird songs filling the air around our home. Magic!  I turned to walk back inside and was struck by a beautiful image of rainbows filling the entertainment area.  These are from the myriad of crystal sun-catchers that I have decorating this space.  In that perfect moment of time, the dust, spiderwebs and general chaos of an outdoors family space became a thing of beauty.  It reminded me that within the darkest places, we can always find a rainbow of hope.


Thursday, 16 February 2012

February 17 - Gimme an M, Gimme an E : ME TIME

Fridays are my Pom-Pom Days - I get to cheer for the most important person in my world: ME.  On my days 'off' work, I endeavour to not read for anyone else... it's my selfish time - where I can focus my healing and intuitive abilities inwards so that I may be blessed and healed.

This may mean meditation, drawing, painting, gardening, or even shopping. The point of a Pom-Pom Day is to do my daily tasks and MAKE time for what I would like to do.

I learnt a long time ago that the dust will still be there tomorrow, the bed is still able to be slept in even if the sheets aren't tucked correctly, the crushed look is still in (thank the Goddess) but if I do not look after myself, I may not be here tomorrow.

A Reiki Attunements class is being held here at Celticai Studio tomorrow and I could be racing around cleaning etc etc.  Although the workshop space will be cleansed and prepared as sacred, the rest can go to bedlam! *giggles*  As I stood in the space this morning and asked for a sign that all was okay with this space, three dragonflies buzzed in and wafted around my head.  I'm taking that as a "yes"!

So what do I have planned for my Pom Pom day?  Time spent with a good friend, a little bit of shopping, a little bit of sewing, a little bit of drawing and a LOT of time spent with my own company and my own thoughts.

Time to get my pom poms out and cheer for all that I AM.


ps. There was a mighty breeze yesterday - Not Happy Jan!  *laughing*

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

February 16 - Dressing for freedom

Well, the past fortnight has surely been an interesting cycle of events! Although I feel that there has been a ramping up of energy, this has matched a slowing down of the physical body.  For myself, I have felt almost disconnected from daily life and wanting to sit in Source more often - or even just vegetate.  So, apart from working with Celticai Studio, I've been trying to be nice to myself.  That hasn't always been successsful! *laughing*

Where has Summer gone?  The heat of February hasn't presented itself very often.  I still wake in the morning with the need to pull a light blanket over my slumbering form rather than the usual lying in a pool of your own sweat.  I'm not complaining! Just making an observation! :)

The rains of the last week have kept the grasses growing well and have truly tested our time management with trying to keep the lawns looking well maintained.  We haven't quite won that battle either!

What has kept me on my toes is that I have taken to wearing dresses and skirts.  What?  You mean those flowing things that get tangled around your legs as you walk? Definitely.  I'm wondering when my real self will return!  I haven't worn dresses since high school graduation for Goddess' Sake!  Due to my career as a teacher, my body issues and also burgeoning health issues at the time, the last twenty odd years have meant that dresses and skirts stayed in the hidden recesses of my cupboard.

Then in the last week, these poor swathes of material have been given a chance to be aired and worn with joyous abandon.  I will cautiously admit that they make me feel feminine and flowing.  I will also admit that they do give you a sense of freedom.  Whether they look great or not is not the matter under consideration.

So, I asked Spirit - why am I suddenly feeling the need to dress up in skirts and dresses?  The reply - this is the Goddess Within asking for expresssion in your daily life.  When you reach for that item of clothing,  acknowledge how this makes you feel so that you can then use this throughout your day's work.

Okay, okay. I get it.  But one gust of wind that makes me do a Marilyn Monroe and I'm going back to my yoga pants and trousers!

I hope that the Goddess is flowing well for you this day.


Monday, 6 February 2012

7 February - Saturn Sings

A couple of days ago, I posted on my Palmistry Facebook page about the significance of the Saturn Finger. If you don't know which one of your fingers is called Saturn, it has many other names - the middle finger, the Bird, the 'rude finger'.. *laughing*

It's all about the way we think and the turns our thoughts take in giving of ourselves.  A few lovely astrological friends have made note that the planet Saturn is about to turn retrograde.  I find this really interesting as my Saturn finger has been alternatively aching, itching or twitching.

I took a few moments to ponder what this would mean.  Astrologically and Cheirographically (or palmistrically [new word!]), Saturn speaks of our service, the way we think that will help us BE.  I have found that many people have marks of service on their Saturn fingers.  These are the humanitarians or people with such a spiritual 'bent' that they give themselves to a cause - monastery, temple or church... or just to walk the Gentle Path.

This has led to my looking at my own hand and asking the Universe exactly HOW I can give MORE of myself, my talents and my skills to benefit positive energetic vibration.  *giggles* I'm not exactly sure if I'm ready for the answer!

Having said that, I'm also looking at my personal responsibilities for self, family, home, friends, community, Mother Earth.  What is an old duty that no longer serves its purpose?  What new routines and rituals may I establish to serve the needs of myself and those that are around me?

It's also a time to think of your personal boundaries ~ is it time to lower that 20 ft high barb wire fence or do I need to find a better way to protect the beauty within me?

Whichever way this season flows, I can feel Saturn's seriousness asking me to be mindful of when I jest and that laughter can soothe and also enrage a savaged beast.  (Mixed metaphor but I hope you get the drift!)

How protective and safe is your fence?


Sunday, 5 February 2012

6 February - Potential Within

I hope you all had a lovely weekend as I know the MOAHS and I certainly did!  We harvested pumpkins from our garden, cleaned up parts of the house that were long overdue for some tender loving care, participated in band rehearsals and celebrated milestones with friends...

This led me to ponder a question I am asked frequently by clients: How do I reach my full potential?

Potential is a word that seems to conjure up images of something that is going to happen (i.e. in the future).  It is something to strive towards.

Yet, as a spiritual person, I am aware that the potential of the future rests within my NOW.  This very minute: the choices that I make, the emotions I feel, the actions I take.

Let's take for example, the seeds sown in my garden.  Each seed holds a promise; potential; power within to be something amazing.  Is it any less amazing as a seed than when it is a fully grown plant (hopefully bearing many fruits/vegetables)?  I feel that no matter the stage of growth or whether you are an ascending guru, you have the ability to be living to your fullest potential right now.

The potential is actually the power within - we make a moment by moment choice to live to the fullest of our potential.  This is conscious living.  I get excited about the fact that right now, in this very moment, I have the choice to live to my fullest potential. (Sometimes, that is vegetating on the couch! *laughing*)

As we make these conscious choices to live to our fullest potential, the boundaries move accordingly ~ just like the seed!  The seed makes the choice to grow. It takes in nutrients, drinks lots of water and bathes itself in sunshine. All these actions help the seed to display its power.  It begins to grow and it realises that it needs MORE.  Ahhh.. one of my favourite words!

So, my little seeds, I see the potential within you and hope that my actions in our garden will help you to realise the potential too!


Wednesday, 1 February 2012

2 February - Green is everywhere!

I know its the season of Lammas (Lughnasadh or Lunasa) and it is the time of Harvest. With all the rain we have had recently (and more to come) the lawn seed I had spread has now growing in the strangest of places.  Most of these places were not the planned recipients of 'greening': some are in great places, others will need some careful observation to make sure that the grass does not invade areas I would prefer to be left alone.

Either way, it all brings home to me the concept of change within our lives. We yearn for change.. we desire the 'greener grass on the next hill'.. always seeking ways to get closer to our ideal.  I'm reminded today to be thankful for all that does grow and for all the unexpected blessings that pop their heads up within my life.

What I do know is that I have a Harvest to clean up this weekend. It doesn't take psychic ability to know what it is either... an unwanted manifestation from all this rain is the spreading crop of fungus and mildew that is rising within my home. GAH!

My shoes are covered with it.. our walls are growing it.  I did suggest to MOAHS (Hubby) that we donate our house to the CSIRO or some other Scientific Institute to harvest the penicillin and put it to good use.  I thought that may be an easier option than my having to scrub, wash and clean all surfaces.  Looks like my next few days are all ready well planned ~ I see scrubbing brushes, cloths, washing machines and lots of lemonade in my future. *sigh*

Looks like I had better call on the Goddess Hera to help me bring warmth and light into my home.... I wonder if she does windows?
