Welcome and Namaste

A year long project recording my thoughts, feelings and intuitive knowings or occurrences as they appear each day. This is my personal project for connecting with the cycles within and the cycles around me.

Friday, 6 January 2012

January 6 ~ Space

MOAHS is a hoarder. Let's put it out there, plain and simple.  He is a true throw-back to the days when you collected everything because you just couldn't pop down to the shop to get what you want.  I have a tendency to threaten his precious collections with an application of napalm.  I also bemoan the fact that our residence and yard are crowded with 'stuff' (you can substitute appropriate words).

Yesterday, I said.. okay, enough paddling upstream with these thoughts of mine.  "What else is possible?  Space is my friend. Time is my friend. Abundance and I are in alignment."  Then I waited to see what happened.. *giggles*

First, a friend came over and collected lots of plastic pots from our backyard. yay!  Then, I needed a break from writing energetic forecasts so I cleaned up and sorted one corner of our outdoor area.  Double yay!  At dinner that night, our youngest announced that he was moving out with friends at the end of month... Muted yay!  Well, I did ask for our space back! *laughing*

The classic de-clutter line is: Do I NEED this?  MOAHS always answers yes!  *sigh*  It's at times like that when I don my MOASS (Mistress of all SHE surveys) and squirrel things into the bin, the shredder or the local dump.

It looks like I'll have a huge de-cluttering and re-organising time at the end of the month.. perfect for the turning of the cycles of the Wheel of Life. Woot!  What will I need? Better make a list: backhoe, mini-skip, anti-nuclear protection suit, shovel..............


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