Welcome and Namaste

A year long project recording my thoughts, feelings and intuitive knowings or occurrences as they appear each day. This is my personal project for connecting with the cycles within and the cycles around me.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

April 11 - Meditation, Drums and Pumpkins

I cannot believe that it is almost a fortnight since I last posted. My journal is full of my jottings and ramblings however bringing them to light on this page has been a lesson in establishing routines.  Okay, Okay ~ I'm listening!

Our household is in Holiday Madness mode... with the MOAHS (master of all he surveys) on holidays all our routines and rituals have been thrown up into the air.  For me, it's been a huge lesson in letting go and also to stop judging what I do as right or wrong, good or bad.  It just is ~ what doesn't get achieved is something that will hold over to another day.

It has been interesting also to see MOAHS responses to my little rituals - the five minutes of mediation here and there ("What ARE you doing outside in the sun???" "Did you hear what I said just then?" etc etc).  It's even had the effect of him taking the 5 minutes to just BE... now whether he is actually meditating or thinking how to pull apart the motor on the lawnmower is not important.  That silence and stillness is the focus!

Then of course, he had a first hand experience with my Medicine Drum.  The look on his face as I used my medicine drum, incense and spirit speak to cleanse the house after being away? Priceless! *giggles*

This coming month is the Autumn Clean. Not only is it in preparation for the Wedding of the Year coming up soon it is also an opportunity to sort, clear, store and remove energies and physical objects.  Our gardens are a huge focus for us during this time.  It's giving us an opportunity to 'meet' with the animals and insects that also call our residence home.

As we did the first sweep of the garden to prioritise and organise our time, resources and enthusiasm, we noted that during Samhain, we will be eating a LOT of pumpkin.. 12 pumpkins on the vine and will be ready to harvest in the next few weeks.  If anyone has any great pumpkin recipes, please feel free to send them in!

A stunning pumpkin flower from our garden.


Tuesday, 27 March 2012

March 28 - Blood Lightning

Our bodies are amazing, aren't they?  As much as they are battered and bruised by a continual stream of neglect and abuse by their current inhabitants (us!), they still continue to function and communicate with us.

Recently, I've been learning about the power of living in the Question rather than seeking the answers.  This has been fun!  Learning to turn a need for an answer into allowing the openness of the Universe's infinite giving to respond.

I thought I'd start with some of the big questions.

What do I need to know to lead a phenomenal life? (Thank you to Shelli for the lead on that question!)

Beautiful Body, what do you need to perceive, know, be and receive to be the amazing body that you truly be?

What will it take to lose another 10 kilograms? (I know! I know! So physical of me.. *laughing*)

The perception of the Universe's responses has been mind-blowing as well as putting this human body into a healing crisis.  However, it's all good!  When I can see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel, I can endure anything and everything.

So, I asked the Universe another question ~ what do YOU call it when we are feeling that total alignment of Body, Mind, Spirit; when we feel at ONE with ALL?

To be honest, I'd forgotten I'd even posed that question in consciousness until I picked up my new Mayan Oracle Deck by Ariel Spilsbury.  I'd been using the cards for daily self-readings and was so impressed with how they were answering my questions!  I felt a little guilty that I hadn't even read the preface to the book, so I flipped it open to read and BAM! There were the words jumping out at me : Blood Lightning

This is a concept of the Maya from the Serpent of Creation running through your body so that you KNOW that you are in alignment.  You can feel the buzz of creativity flowing from the Divine rather than your physical form.  The intuition kicks in and you flow.  It's the shamanic revelation; the visionary's dream; the prophet's words and the artist's creation.  It is the essence of creation and inspiration.

Those two words ~ blood lightning ~ feel so right and aligned with my current perception.  I wanted to share them with you today.

Let's ask the question: What will it take for you to feel the Blood Lightning in your everyday life?


Wednesday, 21 March 2012

March 22 ~ Little Red Riding Hood

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of providing a healing session for a lovely lady. During her session, a vision was given for her healing by the Goddess Artemis. Today, I would like to share this with you.

In this vision, 'we' were Little Red Riding Hood ~ wandering the forest, enjoying life and looking forward to the abundance, love and comfort to be found at 'Grandma's'.  As we walked the forest, we felt the energy; realising that it didn't feel comfortable or light.

We were confronted by the 'Wolf' dressed as Grandma.  It looked like Grandma ~ kinda; it said all the right things ~ kinda.  But then, Little Red Riding Hood began to QUESTION.  "Grandma ~ why do you have such big eyes?  Why do you have such big ears? Why do you have such big teeth?"  Listening to the responses made by the Wolf, Little Red felt that something wasn't right.  She stepped back, from her basket she pulled out a bow and arrow, and said:

"I don't need someone else to come and chase you away.   Your thoughts and your actions are yours alone. Do what you will - You have no power over me."  Shooting the arrow, I could clearly see the words:  Clear. Cancel. Delete.

In a plume of smoke, the Wolf was gone!

I felt that this vision was a reminder that we are all powerful in our thoughts and our own creation of 'reality'.  Do we want to accept that the world is limited to the rules and regulations of society or would we prefer to reflect and attract the magic that is within everything?  I know which one I would choose!

Let's look at some of the other imagery here ~ the path, the journey of life; the trees representing wisdom; the red hood reprsenting the base chakra and the girl representing the power of innocence; the arrow representing truth and the bow representing latent power until released. 

* Magic!*


Tuesday, 20 March 2012

March 21 ~ Equinox balancing

♥ Whether you think your dream is big or small
The magic lies in believing you can reach it all! ♥ 
~ by Caithe Cameron, 2012 ~

The Equinox is here with its balancing act.  This time of year is a call to each of us to reassess and 'juggle' our lives so that balance is restored.  With Ostara in the North and Mabon in the South, we are called to see to the health of our mind.

Sounds great on paper, doesn't it?  Some days, I feel my juggling skills flowing so smoothly and others, the balls drop to the ground causing a minor (or major) hissy fit. *grinning*  So what can I do to help this all flow more smoothly?

The first step is to acknowledge your body and how it is feeling.  Wow! That's really interesting, darling body that you are feeling this way. What would it take for you to pick those balls up and start juggling smoothly again?

Maybe its a nice warm bath or a spot of exercise.  Maybe it is a need for some private time in meditation or treating yourself to a massage.  Maybe it is going to safe space and screaming your frustrations out to the sky.

The magic lies within the feeling of lightness.  This is a need for awareness of how our body is feeling ~ if the energy within your body feels light, its right!  If it is feeling heavy and blah, then your body is in resistance to the movement, the action, the experience.

For today, spend time listening to your body and negotiating with it. How?  Like parenting, you need to be consistent with your follow-through.  "Darling Body, I know you do not want to go to work/do the shopping/ironing etc. However, this is a responsibility with both have.  Let's do our responsibility and then we'll do something fun!  Body, what would you like to do?  (and listen; what feels right and light to do after you have met your responsibilities?)  Make sure to follow through!  A body in tantrum mode is not a pretty sight ;)

I leave you today with a blessing for the Equinox:


Learn more about Caithe and Reflect Radio at www.celticai.com.au

Monday, 12 March 2012

March 13 - Party gatecrashers

Good morning Infinite Ones! It's a glorious Mabon day here in the south-east of Queensland.  I was so tempted by the sunrise this morning, I took my laptop outside so I could sit in this beautiful energy to write my blog this morning.

With birthdays, menopausal symptoms, lunar cycles, solar flares, planetary alignments and giving Reiki Attunements within the last month, my own energies have been all over the place. ARGH!  Meditation, Celticai Essence and sleep have been my lifeline to sanity.

The energy of the 10th was particularly interesting. This was the day of my birth and I welcomed 5 Angels in to visit me for 5 days (if anyone has received this blessing, they will know how powerful it can be!).

First, we were visited by a 1.5m long Green Tree Snake.  I was setting up the decorations for the party when I noted movement to my right.  Oh great!  I called out to the manly MOAHS (Master of all HE surveys) to come and remove the legless lizard that was sitting in MY armchair.  MOAHS lifted the cushion of the chair and both of us jumped back in surprise when curled up underneath the cushion was a pretty green tree snake.  She slithered off the chair and underneath the BBQ located nearby.  Oh great!  Guests would be arriving in a couple of hours and a snake would be around. Hmm.

I let MOAHS do the 'manly' thing of moving furniture, getting the broom and generally trying to force the snake to move its slithery self out into the yard.  Meanwhile, I quickly started to send Reiki energy to the snake and asked it politely to move away from the party zone.  She was quite indignant as she wanted to party! *laughing*  MOAHS went away to complete more manly tasks. On returning, we discovered that the snake had disappeared. I'm still not sure where she went!

Snake usually means a time of transformation that flows with the cycle of life ~ very fitting for a birthday!

On with the decorating, I moved over to my sacred space to rearrange my altar decorations. I went to move my lizard statue given to me by my mother only to find that it was REAL! ARGH!!!!! *laughing*  Sitting next to my statue was the biggest skink I've seen around our home!  Sitting very still and statue-like, giving me the eye!  

To me, Skink represents quickness, darting energy, being everywhere at once!  Also very fitting!

The party over, the cleaning began ~ as I commented on Reflect Radio, you could see where certain party members had been by the trail of coloured popcorn throughout the house! *giggling*  Tis Magic!  After tidying up and collapsing into our chairs to relax, I could hear a noise coming from our garage. Oh no! Please, not a possum!  MOAHS sprang into masculine action and went into the garage ready to battle the atrocity that had dared to enter the inner sanctum of the GARAGE (and incidentally the garage connects with my Healing Studio!).  I could see this brown/grey bird in the open rafters of this room... oh!!! A Shrike Thrush!  These are quite uncommon in these parts ~ their song is beautiful!  After MOAHS scared the little one half to death and my sending Reiki to help it realise that the doors were DOWNwards not UPwards, the Shrike eventually flew into the garden.

Shrikes mate for life and are known for their song.  As I sat with this visiting energy, I was reminded of the need to always sing my song (even when your knees are shaking).


Thursday, 8 March 2012

March 9 - Virgo's "not tonight, Josephine!"

It certainly has been an interesting period of time during the last few days. To begin, Venus, Jupiter and Mercury aligned in the stars followed by the mass consciousness thinking of the change in seasons (Autumn/Spring - depending on your hemisphere); then there were the two major solar flares and the Full Moon in Virgo.  In eleven days time, the equinox arrives in all it's seasonal glory as well... WOW! Lots of change, lots of energy coming through our little planet.

For me, these energies have been bringing up thoughts, feelings and past misdeeds so that my 'inner child' could wail, cry and say 'woe is me'. I acknowledge this part of myself by listening to my body and my thoughts then doing something that is pampering, uplifting to help clear/cancel/delete those thoughts and feelings.  I've been sending a lot of love and light to my past 'selves' - yes, I know you didn't make the best choice or react in the most loving manner at that time. It IS time to 'get over yourself' and just BE.

There's been so much clearing, cleansing and energising going on that my body has felt a bit like a dishrag - worn out!  I've had a stinking migraine for the last two days that will respond to water, essential oils and lots of TLC then suddenly reappear as a new wave of energy rides through. Gah!  I had to have a giggle at the Virgo Full Moon ~ Virgo is the Virgin, protecting her chastity and integrity.  It made me think of Napolean's famous quote: Not tonight, Josephine!

Thinking of Napolean, as one does, this past week has been spent writing lessons for a palmistry course currently in development.  While researching the history of palmisty, I came across a very interesting bit of history.  Napolean was into the occult arts - and his betrothed, Josephine used the skills of a palmist named de Normande.  de Normande was the one who informed Napolean of his coming greatness as Emperor of France.  Unfortunately, she also told him divorce was inevitable between Josephine and himself.  She ended up being imprisoned by Napolean and was finally released when he was sent to Alba.

If you have been contemplating the energies of this moon and wondering why you have been switching back and forth between fear/total trust, laughter/tears, ease/dis-ease ~ just drink some more water! These energies are helping us make the choice of light rather than choices of fear so we can move higher and higher.  If you need to pamper that inner child as they battle this see-saw of emotion, just say: Not tonight, Josephine!

ps. There is a lot going around about balancing brooms and eggs at this time.  I tried it ~ perhaps the space/time continuum doesn't work correctly at my house because I was unable to achieve this feat. :)


Thursday, 1 March 2012

March 2 - The Hermit within

Today's blog is simply a poem I wrote to capture the feelings and knowings I experienced on the First of March:

Last night the cold winds whispered;
And the fog of fear settled around my heart
Unpleasantness and pain surrounded me
I felt cold, alone and in the dark.

Lost, I called out to the Universe
"Help me! I don't know which way to go?"
A glimmer of light shone down before me
An illuminated path began to glow...

I felt the wings of angels wrap around me
A travelling staff and lantern placed into my hand
"This is the path you are meant to travel..
Here, now, from the darkness, make your stand"

Unsure in this darkness, the lantern began to glow
With knees quaking; I stood and turned.
"This is your power that lights the way
Choose your path, now; consciously discerned"

I stepped into the beam thrown by the lantern's light -
Seeing this place with eyes that now could see
What I thought of darkness and no respite
Was actually my choices reflected back at me.

The day has dawned and the light shines bright
With momentary choices, my path revealed
Knowing when I feel the darkness set in -
It's up to me : the choice, the power to wield.
Written by Caithe Cameron ~ Celticai Studio, 2012
